Saturday, December 28, 2019

An Age Of Creativity And Innovation - 1834 Words

The 1920’s and 30’s were an age of creativity and innovation. New improvements were especially common in the art of film-making. Animation in film was introduced. Walt Disney, through his innovations in color, realistic designs, and use of sound, revolutionized the motion picture animation industry. Walter Disney was born December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, to Elias and Flora Disney. He had four older brothers, Herbert, Raymond and Roy, and a younger sister, Ruth. The Disney family moved to a farm near the small town of Marceline, Missouri, when Walt was four years old. Walt started drawing as a very young boy, often getting him into some kind of trouble. His family was on the move again, and made their new home in Kansas City in†¦show more content†¦The war ended before he could get to France, but Walt was still sent overseas to aid in the occupation. While in France, Walt continued drawing on any surface he could. He returned to Chicago October 11, 1919. (Gabbler 9-11, 29-39; Barrier 9, 17-23) Walt’s father, Elias had lived a hardworking life, entailing much physical labor. Walt wanted no part of it. Soon, Walt returned to Chicago, and moved in with his brothers in Kansas City. He applied for a job at the Star, the local newspaper that he had delivered for as a boy, but was rejected. Walt then tried for an apprenticeship with Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio and was hired. The job lasted for only a month. After getting laid off, Walt went into business with Ub Iwerks, who had also worked for Pesmen-Rubin. Their small firm made around $135 the first month, working out of a garage full of drawing boards and airbrushes. Later, Walt accepted a job for Kansas City Film Ad while Iwerks stayed with Iwerks-Disney. However, Iwerks-Disney quickly fizzled, as Iwerks was unable to run the business by himself. â€Å"†¦the equivalent of today’s television commercials. Disney dated the start of his career in motion pictures t o February 1920, the month he became a Film Ad employee.† (Barrier 25) Film Ad’s animation style used cut-out figures that had manipulative joints and series of pictures would be taken, the cut-out moving a little bit each time. This method was obviously different

Friday, December 20, 2019

Raising Children in a Homosexual Household Does it affect...

In today’s society, family structure has changed dramatically from the traditional nuclear family to the unconventional, such as single parenting or same sex families. Over the years, many individuals questioned whether or not a parent’s sexual orientation affected their child’s sexual preference. There is significant research that has shown that children with lesbian parents do not differ from children with heterosexual parents. Many individuals stated that it is the value of the parent’s relationship with the child and not the parent’s sexual orientation that affects the child’s development. Contrary to the popular belief, children raised by lesbian parents are not more likely to become gay than children who are raised by heterosexual†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, it states that all children go through specific stages as their brain matures. It also stated that these stage s are completed in a fixed order within all children, according to their range of age (Atherton).† In other words, one cannot expect a two month old baby to solve simple math problems as that of a five year old. There are four stages in which Piaget grouped the development of a child according to their age groups, in which children interact with people and their environment. The sensorimotor stage (birth until age 2) children use their senses to explore their environment. During this stage, children learn how to control objects, although they fail to understand that these objects if not within their view continue to exist. The preoperational stage (2 until age 7) children are not able to see others viewpoints other than their own. In other words, if the same amount of water is poured into a short wide glass and then a tall thin glass the child will perceive that the taller glass has more water because of the height. The concrete operational stage (7 until 12) children begin to think logically, but only with a practical aid. The last stage of Piaget’s cognitive theory is the formal operation stage (12 through adulthood) in which children develop abstract thinking and begin to think logically in their minds (Piaget). With this in mind, one can conclude that children raised inShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Same-Sex Marriage1533 Words   |  6 Pagesor not. We now have to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental belief that same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples are different. Based on the definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage. It is the union between two people of the same sex in a maritalRead MoreGay Parenting Essay939 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough homosexual marriage is not allowed in some states, the anatomy of the person, whether male or female, hardly allows them to reproduce without sperm or ovaries. Since gays are not capable of reproducing, then adoption is their next option or sperm donors. The big controversy is whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children or whether the â€Å"step-parent,† which is actually the co-partner, can adopt the birth mother’s child. Adoption is another route for the children who wereRead MoreSame Sex Parenting and Children Essay1639 Words   |  7 Pagesissues. This form of relation may affect the welfare of a child’s upbringing. The prospect of a nontraditional upbringing in a same-sex partnership, or marriage ought to be a problem when raising children. Some feel t hat there is no real negative influence that this form of parenting has on a child. Politics has raised concern, but there is a limited amount of research in this area to corroborate this concern. Should same-sex marriage be an issue when raising children? Some states such as MassachusettsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1418 Words   |  6 Pagesincreasingly more debatable throughout time. America has been said to be the â€Å"land of the free,† but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that. If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would develop, and it would positively affect the economy and tax revenues. In 1993, the first national debate was made in regards to same-sex marriage, whichRead MoreStigma, Facts And Solutions : Raising Same Sex Families1346 Words   |  6 PagesSolutions: Raising Same-sex families. Stigma Social stigma against homosexuals is a common experience for those raising children in same-sex families. Although gay rights have improved and a generally more inclusive environment is present there are still many who treat homosexuals as mentally ill deviants (McCabe, 2012). Even with gay right improvements there is still debate surrounding bringing children into these environments. Current discourses assume that same-sex families will negatively affect theRead MoreThe Fosters Is A T.v958 Words   |  4 PagesStef, that are raising five teenage children. One of the kids is Stef’s real son Brandon, and Jesus Mariana, Jude are adopted by Stef and Lena, and Callie is a foster child living with them. Throughout the show we see the family go through everyday struggles of a real family, but at the end of the day everyone is there for each other. Parents are suppose to supply their children with love, support, and teach them skills so they could grow to become their own person. The Fosters does an excellentRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words   |  6 Pagescouples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay† parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S† (Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agencies because most kids end up with gay couples, Gay couples are more likelyRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words   |  6 Pagescouples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay† pa rent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S† (Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agencies because most kids end up with gay couples, Gay couples are more likelyRead MoreSame Sex Marriages Have Different Laws1523 Words   |  7 Pagesand social development of children in lesbian-mother families and the quality of the relationship between the mother and the child. It will also focus on the social and academic effects same-sex couples have on children. Same sex relationships do not cause a child to question their sexual identity nor does the quality of the relationship between the mothers an child from a same sex relationship differ from children from a heterosexual family. Many argue that children from same-sex marriages haveRead MoreDecline of the Traditional American Family: Homosexual Parents1246 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿RS-151 Final Paper Decline of the Traditional American Family: Homosexual Parents The conception that lesbians and gay men may be parents is frequently perceived in today s society as impossible or immoral. Gay men and lesbians are often viewed as excluded from having children because sexual reproduction is related to men and women couples only. My approach to this uniquely controversial topic of gay parenting will be that of attempting to analyze the pro side. Gays and lesbians are

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lack of Funding for the Arts Essay Example For Students

Lack of Funding for the Arts Essay In recent times, the economy has plummeted at a horrific rate, We can see it in our everyday life, from how much our produce costs to the price we pay for gas But one thing that eve may not see until its to late is the damage caused by the funding cuts for the arts programs and education in America. In addition to impeding American childrens educational and moral development, We revert to a poor cultural quality by lowering our standards of arts education due to the poor economic condition Of our nation. Even though this should be one Of the more important programs for our governments Department of Education o devote their time and efforts to, it has been severely neglected. In February of 2010, 300 teachers of the Des Monies Public School system were notified that they would no longer be needed to teach their subjects in the following school year. The positions that were cut due to the downsizing of the schools faculty were mostly those that taught art, music, and physical education. The reasoning behind this drastic measure taken by the Des Monies Public School system, says TM. Yell Woods, Chief of Staff of Student Affairs at Des Monies Public Schools, is to preserve core classes. This argument is entirely logical; however, it fails to acknowledge the necessity tooth arts in the lives of Americas younger generation (KICK). Domed 2 Those behind the educational budgeting have greatly underestimated the wealth of skills that teaching our children to learn such musical skills as simple as playing the piano can afford them. In an issue brief given by The Economic Technology Policy Studies department of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices titled The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation, they state various ways that the incorporation of the arts in education can improve Americas childrens skills. The basic skills they present are; better oral communication, better reading and understanding of the material, and enhanced writing skills. According to this publication, higher-order skills that the arts Offer adolescents are; better decision making creative and innovative thinking, also sweater and problem solving. (http://womb. Nag. Org) In a study conducted by a research team, a group Of children Who received piano keyboard lessons were compared against a group of children who received computer lessons as well as a control group. The results of the explorations tests that were administered to these children after training showed a significant improvement in only the group of children who received piano keyboard lessons. The team then deduced that music training produces long-term modifications in underlying neural circuitry in regions not primarily concerned with music and that an improvement of the magnitude reported may enhance the learning of standard curricula, such as mathematics and science, that draw heavily on spatial-temporal reasoning. This study gave scientific evidence of the real value sic carries in the education to children (Earaches). The skills that the arts bring people as a society are irreplaceable and the benefits Domed 3 that they give us cannot be obtained by any other form of activity. So by depriving our children of this necessary form of mental stimulation, they are also being deprived of ways for their minds to grow to their full capacity. It hardly seems rational for our government to remove the arts from our childrens curriculum. Our government allots 16% of the national budget towards education while Offering to welfare programs. Logically, the education Of our younger generation should take precedence over the unrecognized, unjust, and inefficient welfare system. However, there is an array Of opinions concerning this topic of our national budgeting. Http://www. Superintendences. Com) In todays society the value Of the arts has been diminished and dwindled significantly. In civilized history, art, drama. And dance were cornerstones in any cultured persons education. Bach, Van Gogh, Ad Vinci, Mozart, Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens are all pioneers of our cultural richness and helped to shape mankind views on life, love, and every human emotion. But today one cannot find anything even remotely close to the amazing minds of our predecessors. Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol Frees Charl EssayIn the midst of this art education catastrophe, organizations such as PHss Ease the Music foundation hue saved many schools from sinking in the weight of budget cuts. A story of the success this program had was when, in 2006, the foundation gave a grant Of band instruments to Elizabeth Hall International Elementary School for their music program. Three years after the school received the grant the schools music teacher wrote the PHss Save the Music Foundation to thank them for their help, and tell them about a child who especially benefited from their efforts. Sarah is a fifth grader who has a very difficult life at home, a life that involves being juggled from household to household, and living below the poverty line. She is identified as a student at risk of dropping out of school and not achieving to her potential. Because her school now has a music program, Sarah not only had the opportunity to learn to play the alto saxophone, but also develop informant skills tort school and elite. Sarahs excitement tort learning an instrument motivates her to work hard in all of her school subjects. The use of hard work and dedication she has learned through practicing her instrument has transferred to her perseverance and focus for other subjects in school, Sarah is just one of many students I Domed 7 could say the same about at Hall. I know band is enriching and in some cases saving their lives and is having a profound impact. Writes the teacher in her thank you letter. In Minneapolis schools alone the foundation has provided the schools with $225,000 worth of instruments to help the children learn. (VHF) Another way for schools to succeed is for the administrators to pursue grants from various places. There are a few different Vass for their schools to apply for them, one Of them being on a State level. Organizations such as the San Francisco Grants for the Arts exist solely for the purpose of keeping alive the culture the arts afford the area and nation. There are also grants on a national bevel, such as the National Endowment for the Arts. In addition to these private organizations, companies such as VHF have applications for grants to fund musical education. In Hawaii, we have The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts who provide grants through the HAUSA Biennium Grant Program. 15 grants were awarded through this program, a grand total of SSL Their grants support arts education, art in the community, heritage preservation, presentation and performing arts. Me are exceptionally pleased to be able to make this support available at a time when the quality of life of our residents ND visitors has been so severely impacted by the poor economy. Mammal to the numerous organi zations that continued to provide essential arts and cultural programming despite the challenging times, commented Ronald Yamaha the executive director. Even though Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts has helped the arts community immensely, they are also being affected by the economy. Since July 2009, eleven important staff positions were cut from their faculty (HAUSA)_ Domed 8 We must take action in our childrens educational future, and find a solution for his crisis sore But despite the grim out look, the few who strive to keep the arts alive in our schools bring a silver lining to the horizon. Find ways to educate those in your community about this dilemma, and then go Out and take action. Write a letter to your state, or email a senator. Their purpose is to represent you and your community, so let them know that you see a problem With the lack Of arts in your childrens schools. And lastly the education starts first at home, show your children What culture and the arts are, and you might just plant a seed for the next great musician, artist, or actor.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christians and The Environmental Ethics Essay Example For Students

Christians and The Environmental Ethics Essay An environmentalist is a person worships the environment and cares for nature more than people. Christians and others share the common perception that environmental ethics exist for how human beings should relate to the land, the free market perceptive and the environmental perceptive. Humans share a relationship with all creations of the earth. But as humans, they find themselves as having a role in the created order which is they have a closer relationship with the creator who has charged them with acting responsible within his creation. Even allowing a common complaint of environmental activists is that Stewardship means that the earth was made exclusively because of human beings that having dominion upper nature is the same as having the power and directly of domination. Christians consequently share a close relationship by means of the whole of aspects of creation, since in relation to the environment, its unbroken humanity, not unbroken nature, thats seen to be the problem. Stewardship in simple terms means to manage someone else’s property. Christians proclaims that everything belong to God, so as Christians, we need to have the attitude that our belongings are his belongings. As stewards, we have the responsibility of being in charge of the earth. We have been placed in charge and are responsible for whatever happens to it, even though it does not belong to us, as we all know it belong to God. In Genesis 2:15, God took man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it. Christian’s duties as being a responsible steward need to manage God’s belongings to the best of their ability. Only the Christian has the proper foundation for understanding peoples true responsibility to ca. . We accept the challenge to work at restoring God’s overall design. Moved by faith in God, we commit ourselves to promote the healing that rises at one as well as the other private and environmental levels from integrated lives dedicated to serve God and humanity. Works Cited Keepers of the garden: Christians and the environment by John T. Baldwin, Retrieved October 12, 2011 King James Bible, Retrieved, October, 13,2011 Retrieved October 11, 2011 www. Retrieved October 12, 2011 Retrieved October 11, 2011 www.environmentmagazine. org/Archives/Back%20Issues/Se. Retrieved October 14, 2011 Retrieved October 13, 2011 www.christiananswers. net/ Retrieved October 15, 2011

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Totalitarian Agriculture Essay Example For Students

Totalitarian Agriculture Essay The idea of Totalitarian Agriculture Essay is scary. Especially considering the fact that it is the exact type of agriculture that is being used in every civilization except for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. I will try to define Totalitarian Agriculture here: According to an ethics, followed by every sort of creature within the community of life, sharks as well as sheep, killer bees as well as butterflies, you may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete, but you may not wage war. This ethics is violated at every point by practitioners of totalitarian agriculture (Story of B 260). We will write a custom essay on Totalitarian Agriculture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I will refer to the users of Totalitarian Agriculture as OUR culture because we all practice the same type of lifestyle concerning agriculture. In this paper, I will present the arguments against Totalitarian Agriculture, and also discuss its potential impact in the earth in years to come. Origins of Totalitarian Agriculture Human beings appeared on this earth hundreds of thousands of years ago and eventually formed into tribes. They lived the life of hunter-gatherers and flourished at it, although not to our standards of population explosion, but they prospered nonetheless. The population of humans steadily grew at a very calm rate, On the average, our population was doubling every nineteen thousand years. Thats slowglacially slow (The Story of B 288). Then something happened. In the region of land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now ancient Mesopotamia, and agricultural revolution was started bringing the practice of Totalitarian Agriculture. The human population started to grow at an exponential rate. This is the beginning of our culture, 10,000 years ago. Why totalitarian agriculture? You got me. It is really hard to knock Totalitarian Agriculture since it is the foundation of our culture and the sustenance of our lives. If Totalitarian Agriculture were to disappear tomorrow, then our culture would be obliterated by starvation. This is not so for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. They are fully well capable of surviving on their own just the same as humans have been since there were humans. Thinking about this further made me think about the reasons for adopting this practice. Our culture practices working to grow and produce food, locking it up, and then forcing people to pay to get it. before the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, humans had been living successfully as hunter-gatherers for a hundred thousand years, so asked myself what was the reason for this sudden mind change to the practice of Totalitarian Agriculture? One answer is due to the vast amounts of food surpluses that are created with totalitarian agriculture. This is part of the answer to the next reason for totalitarian agriculture, which is power and expansion. The founders of totalitarian agriculture thought that their way to live was the one right way for all humans to live. These vast surpluses of food enabled this culture to expand into surrounding territories near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and use force to take the land from tribal peoples. So now, the first generations of our culture putting food under lock and key, could expand their territories and use the newly acquired land for, guess what? More farming and agricultural growth! Amazing how that works isnt it? Put food under lock and key, use surpluses to support expansion into surrounding territories, and convert it into farmland to increase your culture even further. This culture was expanded so much so that it became the culture that each of us participated in today. All of this equals growth at an exponential rate. .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .postImageUrl , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:hover , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:visited , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:active { border:0!important; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:active , .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68 .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf869f0154bfe488b58b800e5452d2f68:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Spanish American War Essay Why not totalitarian agriculture? Totalitarian agriculture is against the laws of nature. Surely it is not within the laws of nature to hunt down your competitors and destroy them as well as their access to food. The natural order of things in nature when it comes to food competition is exactly that: compete, but do not wage war. The very nature of totalitarian agriculture is to have productivity to the max, which then produces food surpluses to the max. Somehow we got the idea that . Totalitarian Agriculture Essay Example For Students Totalitarian Agriculture Essay The idea of Totalitarian Agriculture Essay is scary. Especially considering the fact that it is the exact type of agriculture that is being used in every civilization except for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. I will try to define Totalitarian Agriculture here: According to an ethics, followed by every sort of creature within the community of life, sharks as well as sheep, killer bees as well as butterflies, you may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete, but you may not wage war. This ethics is violated at every point by practitioners of totalitarian agriculture (Story of B 260). We will write a custom essay on Totalitarian Agriculture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I will refer to the users of Totalitarian Agriculture as OUR culture because we all practice the same type of lifestyle concerning agriculture. In this paper, I will present the arguments against Totalitarian Agriculture, and also discuss its potential impact in the earth in years to come. Human beings appeared on this earth hundreds of thousands of years ago and eventually formed into tribes. They lived the life of hunter-gatherers and flourished at it, although not to our standards of population explosion, but they prospered nonetheless. The population of humans steadily grew at a very calm rate, On the average, our population was doubling every nineteen thousand years. Thats slowglacially slow (The Story of B 288). Then something happened. In the region of land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now ancient Mesopotamia, and agricultural revolution was started bringing the practice of Totalitarian Agriculture. The human population started to grow at an exponential rate. This is the beginning of our culture, 10,000 years ago. You got me. It is really hard to knock Totalitarian Agriculture since it is the foundation of our culture and the sustenance of our lives. If Totalitarian Agriculture were to disappear tomorrow, then our culture would be obliterated by starvation. This is not so for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. They are fully well capable of surviving on their own just the same as humans have been since there were humans. Thinking about this further made me think about the reasons for adopting this practice. Our culture practices working to grow and produce food, locking it up, and then forcing people to pay to get it. before the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, humans had been living successfully as hunter-gatherers for a hundred thousand years, so asked myself what was the reason for this sudden mind change to the practice of Totalitarian Agriculture? One answer is due to the vast amounts of food surpluses that are created with totalitarian agriculture. This is part of the answer to the next reason for totalitarian agriculture, which is power and expansion. The founders of totalitarian agriculture thought that their way to live was the one right way for all humans to live. These vast surpluses of food enabled this culture to expand into surrounding territories near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and use force to take the land from tribal peoples. So now, the first generations of our culture putting food under lock and key, could expand their territories and use the newly acquired land for, guess what? More farming and agricultural growth! Amazing how that works isnt it? Put food under lock and key, use surpluses to support expansion into surrounding territories, and convert it into farmland to increase your culture even further. This culture was expanded so much so that it became the culture that each of us participated in today. All of this equals growth at an exponential rate. .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .postImageUrl , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:hover , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:visited , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:active { border:0!important; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:active , .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9 .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1cb6035aea38b52d81e0db36b1c909a9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Juveniles committing violent crimes should be trie Essay Totalitarian agriculture is against the laws of nature. Surely it is not within the laws of nature to hunt down your competitors and destroy them as well as their access to food. The natural order of things in nature when it comes to food competition is exactly that: compete, but do not wage war. The very nature of totalitarian agriculture is to have productivity to the max, which then produces food surpluses to the max. Somehow we got the idea that all of the food on earth is for .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Englan vs Isreal essays

Englan vs Isreal essays almost 90 percent of the people from Israel live in cities. in 1986 the population was 5,547,400. Jerusalem has have a Jewish . The Jewish population now makes up more than 70 percent of the people . The remainder is largely Arab. Although Judaism is the principal religion, Muslim, Christian, Druze, Sunni Muslim, Samaritan, and all other religions have the freedom to worship. The population in 1987 was 56,878,000 .Persons per square mile was six hundred and three . 91.5 percent of the people live in urban areas, 8.5 percent live in rural ones. The Life Expectancy for Males is 71 years; and for females 77 years. The main and official English . The ethnic Groups.are mostly white,with some Indian, West Indian, Pakistani, African, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Arab . 20 percent of Israels people work in manufacturing. Their countries has a leading diamond center, that makes up one quarter of Israel's exports the rest comes from manufactured goods like clothing, automobiles transport equipment, and electronic equipment. Their tourism is one of the main sorces for money more than 1.1 million tourists visit the country each year. Israel has a large mineral deposits that include phosphates, potash, clay, glass, sand, sulfur, manganese, and building stone. There are also small deposits of petroleum, natural gas, and copper,as well but Israels Dead Sea contain potash, bromine, and salt. potash is the most important mineral to Israel and is their major Their agricultural products are Crops apples, barley, flax, hops, oats, pears, plums, potatoes, rapeseed, raspberries, strawberries, sugar beets, vegetables, wheat. Livestock and fish beef cattle, dairy cows, pigs, poultry, sheep, freshwater fish and seafood. as you can see the ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Credibility of Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Credibility of Media - Essay Example Media credibility is the condition of believability or acceptance of its truthfulness or untruthfulness from the point of view of its audience (Starcks and Salwen, 2009), and may be expressed as a level or percentage of acceptance as in number of respondents answering in the affirmative or negative. For purposes of this paper and to enable an adventure into the pros and cons of the thesis statement, media shall be deemed to enjoy some reasonable acceptance by its publics, given that it has enjoyed public viewing since time unknown. Hence, the question: Is media becoming less and less credible? Recently, CBS News released the results of a survey by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press of people’s perception of media taken sometime in 2009 (CBSNews, 2009). The survey indicated that nearly two-thirds of Americans think that the news stories that they read, hear and watch are frequently inaccurate (CBSNews, 2009). The Center described these results as the highest level of skepticism ever recorded since 1985 when the first study was conducted. Other studies such as this would be presented in this paper to provide a wide-angle picture of the issue of credibility in media. It is the purpose of this paper to take this closer look at media in its most common forms and analyse critically the trend it is taking insofar as its acceptability to the public is concerned. The paper shall present secondary information to support its thesis regarding this media direction and provide some observations and conclusions that may add insight and value the literature available on the matter. Media Credibility What is media and what does it mean to most people? The concept of media traces back to the times old as far back as Aristotle. History is abundant in treatment of the development of media as it captures the essence of life in what is to be known as civilization. Man always looked for vehicles that would translate his ideas and values. In the early times, these representations could be found in the primitive expressions etched in stones and later, as the medium developed, in the traditional media. The theories varied but generally focused on source, message and audience type, and the issue has been the audience’s trust as a result of the audience’s knowing what is true (Stacks and Salwen, 2009). Media, then, according to Mayo and Nohria (2005), pertained largely to its use mostly by advertisers as communication vehicles for

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Description on Monsanto Company Research Paper - 1

Case Description on Monsanto Company - Research Paper Example The company had been constantly attacked because of health concerns and company transparent. The media has been recently attacking the company because of their business practices that have raised public concern; thus impacting the performance of the company. Recently, there was an argument in the Supreme Court of America about cutting patent rights for the genetically modified seeds. The argument was between Bowman vs. Monsanto Company and the case was how Monsanto Company can control the Roundup Ready patent. Vernon Hugh Bowman, the Indian farmer presented the case to court arguing that he had discovered a loophole for a second and riskier crop in the growing season (Liptak 2013). Bowman argued that the Roundup Ready gene, which is a patent for the Monsanto Company was a threat to farmers. This patent was for the soybeans that the company patented, but it was also argued that the patent was likely to cause broader implications for many biotech products, as well as impact information technology products. The lawsuits over the patent rights for their seeds, which are distributed across the globe, were presented into the court. The farmer (Bowman) argued that Monsanto could not have sold their Roundup Ready soybeans to farmers because thi s patent and the progeny are exhausted (Mann, 2013). Additionally, the lawsuit pointed out every case that was presented to the court about Monsanto’s products. Many of the company’s patent dealt with varied issues affecting the company including the living organisms such as seeds, which sells replicates. Each case presented to the company contributed to another verdict; thus, it became apparent that some of the case rulings could impact the patent right of the company and humanity because of cloning effects. The company received a lot of pressure and this impacted their performance because it started producing little without caring the long-term impact on people.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Database Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Database Management - Research Paper Example It is essential to know the techniques of data modeling and implementation in order to draw effective information. And this is possible only for a well modeled data. The tutorial presents real life scenarios that a company might face from the time of its initialization to the time when it has let go of certain high salary employees in situations of crises e.g. limited company finances. The tutorial teaches how big organizational level decisions can be reached upon by executing a simple query on the database and extracting the exact subset of information relevant to a particular decision e.g. generating a list of employees with a particular range of salaries. This example merely gives an introduction of how statistical analysis can be conducted on large scale databases. Having relevant information aids in making better decisions. And relevant information can only be acquired through effective data modeling and implementation. The tutorial covers all the three aspects that are consider ed while adding a data base functionality to a company; data modeling, data storing and data accessing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

An Overview of Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling

An Overview of Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling What is  Single-Stream  Recycling? Recycling is a process that converts waste into reusable material. For example, aluminum cans will be melted and then made into new cans and paper will be mixed with water to make pulp,   which then pressed into new sheets of paper. Single-stream recycling means that a consumer can put all types of recyclable goods-like aluminum cans, glass containers, paper, and plastic- into a single recycling bin and then a company receives the mixture of recyclable items and sorts it all out in a factory setting. The reason why people recycle is because they would like to contribute less waste to landfills. Larger landfills contribute to larger greenhouse gas emissions, which is known to wreak havoc on the earths atmosphere and health. How  Does  Residential  Single-Stream  Recycling Work? A resident will either purchase or be provided with a recycling bin-American recycling bins are typically green or blue-that will be kept in or right outside their household. The resident will fill the bin with all types of recyclable items including but not limited to paper, plastic, and metal, and glass-more specifics will be discussed shortly. That bin of recyclables will be emptied into a community dumpster or will be directly placed on the curb for a recycling company to pick up. This pick up of recyclables   typically happens on a weekly or biweekly basis. The recycling company will then dump all of the recyclables into a materials recovery facility (MRF) where they are will be sorted by machines and manpower [6]. The materials that can be salvaged are then collected by type (paper with paper, glass with glass, etc.) and shipped to various companies for them to repurpose and use for their own products. A Brief  Timeline  on the History  of Recycling 1897:  New York City creates one of the first MRFs in America. [12] 1965  to  1970:  The Mobius Loop is introduced as the symbol for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, by Gary Anderson. [12] 1974  University City, MO becomes one of the first municipalities in the country to offer curbside recycling to its residents. [12] 1988  The number of curbside recycling programs in the US increases to about 1,050. [12] 1990s  Communities in California were the first to use single- stream recycling in America. [11] 2000 The EPA confirms a link between global warming and waste, showing that recycling and reducing our garbage decreases greenhouse gas emissions. [12] 2005  About 20 percent of all U.S. communities with recycling programs use single-stream recycling. [10] 2010  About 64 percent of all U.S. communities with recycling programs used single-stream recycling. [10] 2011  America recycled about 87 million tons of material, more than 60 percent of Americans have access to curbside recycling. [10] 2015  About 22 percent of standard American county is complying with the standards to put right things in there. [1] Advantages For  the  Resident Decrease  sorting  efforts: Single-stream recycling versus multi-stream recycling means that the efforts for sorting recyclables are reducedall recyclables are allowed in a single recycling bin. This may make residents more likely to participate in recycling and may lead to more recyclables placed at the curb or in the community recycling dumpster/receptacle. [8] Clarity  of  destination: For residents participating in curb side pick- up, the recycling trucks will come by with distinguished signs labeling their truck as a recycling truck. The emphasis on clarity of which company is picking up their recyclables, will ensure the residents that their recyclables are being sent to a MRF and not a landfill [8]. For  the  Participating  Communities Decrease  waste  management  costs: For any given city, labor costs and tipping fees for garbage management will decrease as the amount of recycling increases. This means that an average American single- stream recycling system that costs $200,000 per year should be breaking even by 2019 [4]. Recycling costs a city $39 per ton, versus $49 for garbage. Also, single-compartment trucks cost less to purchase and operate versus multi-compartment trucks used for multi-stream recycling systems. This will also contribute to a reduced collection cost. Increase  efficiency: Single-compartment trucks are able to use automated collection routines, which leads to collection routes being serviced more efficiently [8]. Safer  conditions  for  workers: The workers for the recycling companies may see a decrease in the amount of work-related injuries. Recycling bins for single-stream recycling are commonly in the form of wheeled carts. Multi-stream bins were typically not wheeled which makes workers prone to injuring their backs when they pick up and carry numerous bins [8]. For the Environment Increase  land fill  life: Recycling in general will extend the life of a landfill because, with less waste in the garbage bin and more materials in the recycling bin, the landfill wont fill up so quickly with waste, thus extending its life [4]. Recycle  more  materials: As research continues, single-stream recycling may make way for an opportunity to add new materials to the list of recyclables accepted. Also, with a single-stream sorting system, more grades of paper may be collected than ever before [8]. An increase is the amount of recycled materials will positively impact the environment. Disadvantages For  the  Participating  Companies Increase  in  taxes: A resident who lives in a location that has a single-stream recycling program is most likely going topay local taxes for the program. These taxes are subject increase becuase Residents who participate in single- stream For the Environment Contaminated  material  to  landfills: Due to the nature of single-stream recycling, different materials will cross-contaminate other materials. A typical, new single- stream program endures contamination in about 40 percent of its loads [4]. These contaminated parts of the load will be sent to the landfill. Mixing all materials together is convenient, but leads to wet paper and bits of broken glass that cant be sorted. About a quarter of single-stream recycling goes to the dump because of contamination [6]. Lower  quality  of  products: Susan Collins, director of the Container Recycling Institutea nonprofit research and advocacy group, says in terms of preserving the quality of materials so that the maximum materials collected can actually be recycled, single-stream is one of the worst options [6]. The purpose of recycling is so that materials can be repurposed and reused. If the MRFs are supplying poor-quality raw material to companies, they are costing those companies a loss in quality of their goods as well. What You Can and Cant Recycle You should only recycle paper, cardboard, commingled containers, plastic bottles, tubs, jugs, and jars. Figure 2 offers some visual aids on what typical household recyclable goods look like. The  Big  DO  NOTS  of  Single-Stream  Recycling Do not recycle any container that has previously held oil because it is very likely to contaminate other items you place in your recycling bin [3]. Do not bag any items to be recycled-they should all be loosely placed into your recycling receptacle. Bagging items are very likely to be discarded during the recycling process and send to the landfill. Do not recycle plastic bags by themselves either because they can bind up the sorting machines gears and cause damage. Do not recycle Styrofoam or shredded paper. Excluding cardboard, make sure all commingled containers, bottles, jugs, and jars, are not flattened. Ball up on aluminum foil you recycle so that the sorting machines dont mistake it as a sheet of paper. Any material that was in contact with food or other messy substances should be emptied and rinsed out thoroughly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on Hardships Expressed in Hughes On the Road and Mother to Son

Hardships Expressed in Hughes On the Road and Mother to Son African-American citizens who live in the United States have experienced a tough life through personal experiences. They have struggled to obtain basic civil rights--a struggle that has spanned many centuries (Mabunda 311). Langston Hughes, author of the short story "On the Road" and the poem "Mother to Son," often illustrated in his writing the hardships experienced by the characters--products of African American life in the United States. While Hughes and other young African-American authors wanted to define and celebrate black art and culture, they were also responsible for changing the preconceived notions of most Americans' erroneous ideas of black life (Mabunda 696). The cultural aspects of Hughes' poems exhibited life as an African-American in the late 1910s to the early 1960s. His views, like many writers in his era, came directly from personal experience, which provided the reader with a sense of communication that illustrated--with art rather than essay--the ills of the racist world. L. Mpho Mabunda proclaims that the issues and grim realities of the African-American "could be experienced through the lives of characters and in verse, and the message delivered more subtly and effectively" (696) . The overall theme and purpose of "On the Road" and "Mother to Son" are centered around an illustration of the hardships experienced by most African-American citizens in the early part of the century. Both genres graphically detail the lifestyle and environment in which the African-American lived. In the 20th century, many of the black communities in America have existed in a perpetual state of crisis ("Black American"). According to Kenneth Clark in his add... ... Robinson. The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States. New York: Arno P, 1968. "Henry McNeal Turner." Online. Internet. 24 Apr. 1998. Hughes, Langston. "Mother to Son." Bridges: Literature across Cultures. Eds. Gilbert H. Muller and John A. Williams. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 52. ---. "On the Road." Bridges: Literature across Cultures. Eds. Gilbert H. Muller and John A.Williams. New York: McGRaw-Hill, 1994. 845-8. Mabunda, L. Mpho, ed. The African American Almanac. 7th ed. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1997. Miller, R. Baxter, and Evelyn Nettles. "Langston Hughes." Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography: The Age of Maturity, 1929-1941. Detroit,  Ã‚  Ã‚   MI: Gale Research Inc., 1989. 150-71. Quarles, Benjamin. The Negro in the Making of America. London: Collier-Macmillan Ltd., 1969.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Universities Shouldn’t Increase Tuition Every Year

One major problem with universities today is that they are constantly raising tuition fees. I'm not talking about raising tuition every now and then, I'm talking about those colleges that increase their tuition every year. With today's economy, this is simply not helping the students. The university I am currently attending is planning on increasing the tuition by almost $1,000. This is crazy. What colleges need to start doing is taking a better look at how they are spending their money. It is not the students' fault when the university takes on more than it can handle and has to find ways to make more of a profit. Colleges are already way too expensive for the average person. Most of the time, even with help from federal student aid, students are still having to pay more than they can afford. This forces them to take out loans that they may not be able to pay back in the future. Universities are not considering the fact that the economy is getting to the point where people who went to college and have a degree can't even get a job. Students are doing all the right things by going to college, building their resume, and gaining experience in the real world, but it just isn't enough to get a job. There are too many people competing for just a small amount of jobs that too many people end up empty handed. And when they have to start paying back their loans, they can't do it because they don't have the money. Universities who raise their tuition every year are putting students in an even worse situation. There are other areas of the university where they can find money to make up for whatever they are losing. They just don't look into those possibilities. They just think that the easiest way to solve their problems is to charge the students more money. There are close to 30,000 students who attend my university. If they charge each student an extra $1,000, they will have an increase of $30 million. That's insane to ask students for that much more money. It used to be so much cheaper to go to college. Students used to be able to pay for college much easier, especially if the federal government was helping out. Now, everything is changing and for all the wrong reasons. Students already have to pay for books, housing, meal plans, living expenses, and all these other things in addition to their tuition. Why burden them with even more to pay for? It's not right. It's even worse for students who go to college out of their state. They get charged almost double what a state resident would get charged. These students have no choice but to live on campus and pay even more money. Those who are attending college deserve to get what they pay for. They are getting an education in order to live a good life and to get a good job. Instead of getting this out of their college education, they get this crazy debt that will take their entire lives to pay off.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks essay

buy custom Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks essay This is a poem about a woman at her old age. The mood is sombre throughout because she is telling of her lonely reality that comes along advanced years. She acknowledges that her life was not always so as she had sons and daughters. This is seen in the first stanza, the second line where she mentions her children who have put her away like old toys which are no longer needed. The writer has used imagery at this point to bring a picture of how children abandon their toys which they once treasured but no longer need. The persona also vividly describes the atmosphere in the second and third stanzas. She explains the changes in seasons. She does know that she is facing autumn but she still feels as though its summer or spring. It is as if according to her times are moving too swift for her to accommodate the changes. The whole lifetime of the flowers and grasses represents the transformation of her children. It tells of their fading love for their mother. Its as though its withered away like the dying flowers and tarnished grasses. The forth stanza is very similar to the third. The climate has changed to winter. Its chilly and nothing is there to give her warmth. Moreover, her loneliness is getting worse. The lack of her childrens love is even depressing her more. The rhyming used in this stanza clearly brings out the womans needlessness. However she is trying to live with it. The winter time has been used symbolically to show of the mothers bravery. She embraces her harsh and lonely reality without fear. In the fifth stanza, the persona acts as though she is getting mad. She hears her childrens voices like echoes in her head. This is obviously her imaginations originating from long ago when her children were still living with her. She compares her oldness to dust, perhaps to symbolize the old toys- put away with marbles and dolls. In the last stanza, the woman sems to come into terms with her fate. She finally acknowledges that the bond between her and her kids can longer be fixed. She is left with two decisions, either to let life pass her by, or to let her memories fade in her childrens lives, just like their toys. (Bloom, 2002) An Analysis of a Song in the Front Yard This is a poem about a white girl who has been confined in her front yard and her neighbours at the back yard are mainly black girls who envy her life. The white girl describes her life as boring and desires to be left wild like her black peers who view her as privileged. This is because she has everything that she needs at her disposal and therefore has no worries of hustling and busting. However she seems not to appreciate what she has but would rather have the freedom to adventure. The writer strongly uses flowers metaphorically to represent the two worlds. The front yard is compared to a rose flower implying that its a pleasant place to be in. It portrays a safe place; well guarded and pruned. It could also be a representation of the kind of lifestyle lived by the inhabitants of the front yard; the white girl is a well groomed lady; shielded from bad mannerism and company. On the other hand, the backyard is compared to weeds. It creates an illusion of danger. Its a place that harbours all kinds of crime. However, the white girl sees this as a place of adventures; where girl her age are allowed to experience and explore. The writer basically compares two lifestyles. One is the ideal life. A standard life where education is displayed this is through the good English that the white girl speaks. Good articulation. The white girl is also brought up with discipline. This is seen in the stanza where she is given boundaries. She is allowed to be out until quarter past nine. Clearly to stop her from witnessing the misbehaviour that occurs at wee hours. There is a complete difference in the life that she sso desires. Its backwards. Kids waste away. This is shown in the strong opinion of the white girls mother. According to her, the girl that her daughter admires will become a bad woman. Perhaps she lacked self control; perhaps she would have ended up pregnant and the so called George would eventually be jailed. The white girl does not agree with her mothers assessment. She feels as though she is missing out on something; as though time is passing her by. However she reveals that she does not only want to mingle with her age mates and have fun playing games. She yarns for something more as she states that she wants to be a bad woman. Her desires could perhaps echo what poets want-to stop treading on safe grounds but also have an experience with the wild. The poem could be talking about the lives of poets and their secret longing (The Oxford Book of American Poetry, 2006). Comparison Between the two poems Similarities The two poems talk about two people who are both lonely. The first woman has been abandoned by her family and therefore left alone while the white girl has been separated from her peers and forced to play alone. They both want to be bonded to people. The aging woman desires to reunite with her loved ones while the white girl seeks the companion of her neighbours. The two poems both use vivid description, rhymes and metaphor as their main stylistic devices to convey their message. Differences The two poems talk about different ages in ones lifetime. For the first woman, her life is coming to an end while for the white girl; she is just beginning to become a woman. Their desires differ. The old woman longs for her family while the other longs for her peers company. The mother in the first poem desires something she wants heard but is gone while the white girl is looking for something she never heard. Buy custom Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

If You Can’t Bless It, Change It.

If You Can’t Bless It, Change It. This season of the Jewish New Year brings much reflection on the past year and how we want to live our lives in the future. Most of us know that gratitude is key to living a satisfied life, and this holiday season my rabbi in Madison, Laurie Zimmerman, focused on this subject in her sermon. She related a story by Mitchell Chefitz in which a newly graduated â€Å"Officer of the Law† encountered a man in rags.  He commanded the man three times to Come forward! to no effect.  Finally the man in rags said, â€Å"I dont know what Im going to do with you. Do with me? the Officer of the Law mocked.  Do with me?  You dont do with me! I do with you!  I am an Officer of the Law, and I command you to come forward. Now I know what to do with you, the man in rags said, and as he spoke, he drew his sword.  A swordfight followed in which, after putting up a good fight, the man in rags lowered his guard, and the Officer of the Law’s sword mistakenly ran through him.  As the man died, he said, I put upon you the Curse of Blessings. Every day you must say a new blessing, one you have never said before. And on the day you do not say a new blessing, you will die. The man in rags closed his eyes and then disappeared, and the Officer of the Law wondered whether his experience were real. But as the sun set, he felt life leaving him and in a panic uttered a blessing over the sunset. Life flowed back into him.  From that day on, he said a new blessing every day, blessing abilities, then concrete things, relationships, and more. Word spread throughout the land that this previously pompous Officer of the Law was a source of blessing. He kept blessing the miracles of the world and found more and more things to bless. Finally, he was about to turn 120 years old and decided on his birthday not to make a new blessing but to recount some of the blessings he had made before. As the sun set, he felt a chill coming into his body and did not utter a blessing. Then appeared the man in rags. You! the Officer of the Law exclaimed. I have thought about you every day for a hundred years!  I never meant to harm you.  Please, forgive me. You dont understand, said the man in rags.  You dont know who I am, do you? I am the angel who was sent a hundred years ago to harvest your soul, but when I looked at you, so pompous and proud, there was nothing there to harvest.  An empty uniform was all I saw.  So I put upon you the Curse of Blessings, and now look what youve become! The Officer of the Law could not help but say, I feel blessed, dear God, that You have kept me alive and sustained me so I could attain this moment of insight. Now look what youve done! the man in rags said in frustration. A new blessing! Life flowed back into the Officer of the Law, and he and the man in rags looked to each other, neither of them knowing quite what to do. (Paraphrased from â€Å"The Curse of Blessings† in The Curse of Blessings: Sometimes, the Right Story Can Change Your Life by Mitchell Chefitz, 2006.) The rabbi also recounted a tale of the crossing of the Red Sea. In the midst of this great miracle, two people, Reuven and Shimon, did not celebrate, but rather cursed the mud, saying it was just like Egypt. â€Å"Their eyes turned downwards, while the greatest of miracles was happening all around them.† So often, like the pre-swordfight Officer of the Law, and like Reuven and Shimon, we don’t notice the blessings in our lives. We focus on what’s missing, on the negative. We become self-absorbed. This way of life drains the life from us, making us heartless and cold. In contrast, waking up and saying a new blessing, showing gratitude consistently, brings us warmth and life, carries us into the present so we’re not living in the past or the future, and draws people closer to us. We become someone people appreciate and want to be around. Marge Piercy’s poem, â€Å"The Art of Blessing the Day,† encourages us to create a life full of blessings: â€Å"Bless whatever you can / with eyes and hands and tongue. If you / cant bless it, get ready to make it new.† At this time of reflection, I encourage you to find and express the blessings in your life, and to live as much as possible in the present. And, if you can’t bless it, change it. For me, that’s the way to create a life I want to live. A life that inspires me to jump out of bed in the morning excited to bless something new.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Film Worksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film Worksheet - Essay Example Everyone in the hall was excited to watch the film due to the good reviews. I brought nuts and a few other snacks with me to enjoy through the course of the film. Because Boyhood was a coming of age film, the film involved camera technicalities in order to create a temporally shifting experience through time. The film is based on a young boy named Mason who is shown growing up over a period of 12 years. As Mason grows up, the film has captured the experiences and changing personality of a child who grows up to a young man. Hence, time is a prominent element in terms of film making in which the director, Richard Linklater has exploited the use of camera technologies to create the intended effect the situated across time. Mason is 6 years old as the film starts and by the time film gets over, he has already turned 18, a mature individual. Instead of showing the process of growing up in one moment of a scene, the director has used time lapse in order to show the entire transformation to childhood to boyhood. Judging from the name of the film as well, Boyhood is meant to be the essence of the film and time lapse filming really engenders the tempo rally situated transformation that occurs through time. The film successfully retained my attention throughout the film. I was interested to watch more and follow the story as it developed in time. In terms of the narrative part of the literary aspect, the film involved a strong storyline and one which is a crucial subject in the present times, which is, growing up. The process of growing up based much of the storyline when a child goes on from being an innocent young individual to one who is old enough to understand some serious matters. The narrative progresses with the film as seen through the lens of the child, Mason, himself. A state of disequilibrium is inherent in the process as growing up itself involves disruption. Growing

Friday, November 1, 2019

ABC Company Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ABC Company Final - Assignment Example In the US alone there are, several companies dealing with the same product of Cedar roofing and siding shingles. Therefore, ABC Company has a large market to supply to raising its market share although in a very competitive market. ABC Company is a company that specializes in making cedar roofing and siding shingles. It has a 25% sales margin and has a growth target of three million in the next three years. Besides the competition, the demand for roofing sidings and shingles remains high because of the high rate of forthcoming real estate ventures. Apart from facing competition generated by several other companies, dealing with cedar in production of roofing and siding shingles, ABC tends to, also face high competition resulting from products manufactured using iron and clay, companies that operate in the same market. The prevailing fact is that, cedars products have do have a higher competitive gain over similar products that are made of iron and clay. There is also a little disadva ntage of cedar roofing and siding products, the prices tend to be too high thus scaring away potential customer, who resolves to cheaper iron products. ABC Company has a high chance of maintaining its development with minimal deviation from either downwards or upwards. The deviations could be because of the tough economic patterns forcing many homeowners who would prefer cheaper clay or iron products or clay products that are meant for their roofing and siding. ... I. Risk profile for ABC Company A risk profile evaluates an organization willingness to take risks as well as the threats to which an organization is exposed. Acceptable level of risk With a target growth of 3000,000, in the next three years, the risk associated with the growth should be laid out. The risk in introduction of a new product should also be included to ascertain the amount of risk ABC Company can take. As much as expansion comes to pave way for leverage on the skill in employees and the state of their manufacturing facilities, the risk involved should be evaluated to see whether the expansion will reduce or increase current risk. Possible threats One of the biggest threats will include competitors. The question here is; how much risk is already there and in presence of competitors, how much are they willing to expand or change to gain more consumers? The answer will be found once they evaluate risk associated with competition Another threat is that of trying to find addi tional products to leverage on their employee skill set and manufacturing facilities. Introduction of the products depends on probability, which in itself has high risk. The skill set and manufacturing facilities are certain Key risk areas The company’s has had a profit increase of 25% from the previous year. They will have to maintain of better that outcome and with the introduction of a new idea will increase on costs. They have to ensure their cash flow is on a positive trend. This will ensure positive cash flows that will encourage investment. In addition, another key risk area is on the financing of the project. They have to ensure that they pick the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Issues in the Field of Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in the Field of Engineering - Essay Example The carbon dioxide laser cutting and wielding machines applies the use of energy state transition which occurs between the rotational states and the vibration states of the carbon dioxide molecule to help in the emission of light long infrared. This wave1lengths often occurs at about 10 Â µm. The carbon dioxide lasers helps in the maintenance of continuous and high levels of the power applied, making them suitable in cutting and marking applications. They are often applied in the cutting of steel and super alloys at various power levels ranging from 1 to 5 kW. The lasers are also applied in the laser eye and in the correction of the laser vision. (Krar 51) Some of the specifications for the cutting and the laser wielding machines which includes the transverse speed, power, Y-axis travel, X-axis travel and the Z-axis travel. Usually there are three different types of carbon dioxide lasers: transverse gas flow, axial gas flow and the sealed tube. For the various sealed tube lasers, the power output is 40 to 80 watts (W) per meter of the each of the tube length. The lasers are usually pumped by flash lambs, near IR laser diodes and also the gas discharge lambs. A number of the specialty laser cutting and welding laser cutting machines are applicable in the cutting of pipes tubes, films, adhesives and composite materials. The laser cutting and welding machines helped in the cutting of machines are specifically designed in the cutting of rubber, plastic, stone, marble, metal, foam, granite and the composite material. Some of the laser cutting and welding machines include integral interface and computer interface. Other systems include moto rized heads, robotic arms, guidance modules, pallets, gantry tables, monitoring systems, cabinets, sensors and laser optics. Various laser cutting and welding machine helps in the designing of applications with highest demand on the cutting speed. The fields of application

Monday, October 28, 2019

Journal on Chapter One of Al Gore’s “The Assault on Reason” Essay Example for Free

Journal on Chapter One of Al Gore’s â€Å"The Assault on Reason† Essay In the first chapter titled Politics of Fear of Al Gore’s Book, â€Å"The Assault on Reason,† the author basically dealt with one of the most prominent human emotions— fear. According to Gore, fear is the prime enemy of reason. When a person experiences fear of something or someone, his or her reasoning ability is shut down. In addition, Gore claims that fear also clouds a person’s judgment as it drives him or her to act recklessly or irrationally without considering all options available. Furthermore, Gore also pointed out in his book that fear does not only affect a single individual, but an entire nation as well. According to him, a nation crippled by fear is unable to act towards development and progress because it does not do anything to overcome that fear. On the other hand, based on Gore’s book, when a person views fear as a form of motivation for him or her, he or she would eventually act to overcome that fear and accomplish his or her goal. Generally, I agree with most of the arguments that Gore pointed out in the first chapter of his book, particularly on the areas where he related fear to politics. I believe that Gore was right in saying that there are times when people fail to distinguish between the illusionary fears and the legitimate or real ones. When this happens, people may find it extremely difficult to think rationally and plan their next move because their judgment is clouded and they are unable to listen to reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, I also believe that Gore was correct when he claimed that the present administration in the United States as used the people’s fear, which spawned after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, to manipulate various political processes and made people believe that   all Iraqi’s were the one’s responsible for the attacks. For me, I believe that it is wrong to think all Iraqis or Muslims are terrorists simply because their fellowmen may have committed heinous crimes. I believe this is the best example of the fear that has been plaguing US citizens since the 9/11 attacks. I also believe that the nation should first identify which fear is legitimate and which is not before exercising judgment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Character of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls :: An Inspector Calls

Analyse the character of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley. Discuss his: * Role in the play * Effect on the other characters * Stage presence When the Inspector first knocks on the front door, it is dramatic irony because Arthur just said a matter of seconds before of how he ‘might get a knighthood if we don’t get into any sort of trouble’. This is a very significant time of entering, similar to knocking over a tower of Jenga – everything one has hoped for has just evaporated into thin air. As an audience we expect something very important, an altered atmosphere in the play from this moment forward. The Birling’s smug satisfaction is put on hold. It abruptly comes to a halt. Edna comes into the Dining room and says to Mr. Birling, â€Å"Please, Sir, an Inspector’s called†. The Inspector, at first appears to the audience to be a police officer. He said he had recently moved to Brumley; the family find out he is a fake when Arthur rings the police station at the end of the play. This news is even more disturbing than the questioning that takes place throughout the play, because they realised that the Inpsector had deceived them all. They had been had! But on the other hand, was the purpose of the visit fulfilled? I think the purpose of his visit was to show the family that their lives and what they do during their life is far more influential than they realise, either positively or negatively. Had they helped Eva Smith, her life may not have been lost, but in fact, the Inspector’s intention was to help them see where they went wrong and secure them on the right pathif they were willing to respond. He wanted to aid them in their understanding that in life there are huge decisions and choices to make which, if are chosen wrongly, can have devastating effects, not only for them but for other people . The reason the Police Inspector arrived here at the Birling household was to investigate a suicide. He seemed to already know everything that the family told him of the questions he was asking. It was as though he had been watching them for the past 10 or so years and knew everything that had gone on. It appears innocent, just routine innocuous questioning. On one level, J.B. Priestley is using the Inspector’s character to solve what seems to be a police inquiry, investigating a suicide. On a deeper level, Priestley is using the Inspector to help the family see where they can take greater responsibility in society; he is helping

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Palestine and Israel Essay -- Middle East War Palestin Israel Essays

Palestine and Israel On the day of January 18th, 2004 Israeli forces rushed through the Gaza strip and attempted a dangerous raid. The effects of the raid left eight Palestinians civilians dead in cold blood. Within twenty-four hours a young Palestinian police officer by the name of Ali Jaara climbed onto a Jerusalem bus and detonated a bomb, killing him and ten Israeli passengers. This is a very sad but common example of the never ending war that takes place not only on the battlefield but now on the streets and in homes of innocents. The war between Palestine and Israel may be able to date back to Biblical times and there seems to be no end in sight for either side. (Winder) The war in the Middle East is a great one. The cause for the fighting between both sides has changed repetitively. One of the earliest problems dates back to the bible. It is said that an angel promised the exiled slave Hagar that her son Ishmael would be the father of a country and his descendants would be hated and against everyone. Ishmael’s descendants did become the Arabs and would be hated by many especially the Jews. But in fact the Jews would face much more persecution and hatred than the Arabs ever did until recent events. From 1250 BCE to 138 CE the Jews fought many wars against the Roman Empire, the Babylonians, and the strength of Alexander the great. Over this time period the Jews were exiled, revolted, and then after a Jewish revolt in 133 CE, Jerusalem was destroyed and all of its inhabitants were exiled, banished, and forced into labor and slavery. (Porat) Thousands of years later in 1897 the first Zionist congress met in Switzerland to make plans for a Jewish state. Their dream was finally realized in 1917 the British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour agreed to establish a national home for Jews in Palestine. He informed a leading Zionist and this became known as the Balfour Declaration. This was the first action that may have led to the rekindling of the rivalry between Jews and Arabs. After The Declaration over the next 15 years many Jews began to immigrate to British Mandate Palestine. This caused a lot of unrest among the Palestinian Arabs, and caused a strike by the Arab population, this was countered by the Irgun Zvai Leumi who was a Zionist group that attacked not only Arabs but also British targets. The Zionist groups hoped to liberate themselves... ...they affect a lot of people who want nothing to do with the brutality and violence they are forced to face everyday. Some like the Father of the policeman who became a suicide bomber had to face many consequences. With the death of his son his family mourned and was unable to support itself. On top of those problems days after the suicide bombing Israeli forces stormed into his house and destroyed it leaving it lying in mere rubbles and stones. Now his family is forced to live in tents and on the streets to starve with it being no fault of there own. So many chances of peace have been ignored or just completely forgotten, it’s an eternal and never ending war. Works Cited Mallison, William Thomas. The Palestine problem in international law and world order. Essex: Longman, 1986. â€Å"The Origin of the Palestine Israeli Conflict.† THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS. 6 Jan. 2005. Jews for Justice in the Middle East. 6 Jan. 2005 . Porat, Dina. The blue and the yellow stars of David : the Zionist leadership in Palestine and the Holocaust. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990. Winder, Rob. â€Å"My son the suicide bomber.† BBC News Online. 2 Mar. 2004. 6 Jan. 2005

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Information Communications Technology Solutions Essay

Unified communications (UC) is a commonly used term for the integration of disparate communications systems, media, devices and applications. This potentially includes the integration of fixed and mobile voice, e-mail, instant messaging, desktop and advanced business applications, Internet Protocol (IP)-PBX, voice over IP (VoIP), presence, voice-mail, fax, audio video and web conferencing, unified messaging, unified voicemail, and whiteboarding into a single environment offering the user a more complete but simpler and more effective experience. Gartner states â€Å"The largest single value of UC is its ability to reduce â€Å"human latency† in business processes. † Unified Messaging (or UM) is the integration of different streams of communication (e-mail, SMS, Fax, voice, video, etc. ) into a single, or, unified ‘message store’, accessible from a variety of different devices. Unified Messaging was expected by many in the consumer telecommunications industry to be a popular product, first augmenting and eventually replacing voicemail. However, UM was slow to gain consumer acceptance, and UM vendors such as Comverse were badly hit when the slowdown in the telecommunications industry in 2001 made carriers wary of spending large amounts of money on technology with little proven consumer demand. Role of UM in Present Scenario Today, UM solutions are increasingly accepted in the corporate environment. The aim of deploying UM solutions generally is to enhance and improve business processes as well as services. UM solutions targeting professional end-user customers integrate communications processes into the existing IT infrastructure, i. e. into CRM, ERP and mail systems (e. g. Phoenixnet PH, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, SAP, etc. ) Unified communications is sometimes confused with unified messaging, but it is distinct. Unified communications refers to a real-time delivery of communications based on the preferred method and location of the recipient; unified messaging systems culls messages from several sources (such as email, voice mail etc. ), but holds those messages for retrieval at a later time. Unified messaging focuses on allowing users to access voice, e-mail, fax and other mixed media from a single mailbox independent of the access device. Multimedia services include messages of mixed media types such as video, sound clips, and pictures, and include communication via short message services (SMS). Components of unified communications Unified communications can include a variety of elements, such as instant messaging, telephony, video, email, voicemail, and short message services, all of which could be brought into real time and coordinated. The concept of presence is also a factor – knowing where one’s intended recipients are and if they are available, in real time – and is itself a key component of unified communications. To put it simply, unified communications integrates all the systems that a user might already be using and helps those systems work together in real time. For example, unified communications technology could allow a user to seamlessly collaborate with another person on a project, even if the two users are in separate locations. The user could quickly locate the necessary person by accessing an interactive directory, engage in a text messaging session, and then escalate the session to a voice call, or even a video call – all within minutes. In another example, an employee receives a call from a customer who wants answers. Unified communications could enable that worker to access a real-time list of available expert colleagues, then make a call that would reach the necessary person, enabling the employee to answer the customer faster, and eliminating rounds of back-and-forth emails and phone-tag. The examples in the previous paragraph primarily describe â€Å"personal productivity† enhancements that tend to benefit the individual user. While such benefits can be important, enterprises are finding that they can achieve even greater impact by using unified communications capabilities to transform business processes. This is achieved by integrating UC functionality directly into the business applications using development tools provided by many of the suppliers. Instead of the individual user invoking the UC functionality to, say, find an appropriate resource, the workflow or process application automatically identifies the resource at the point in the business activity where one is needed. When used in this manner, the concept of â€Å"presence† often changes. Most people associate presence with IM â€Å"buddy lists† — the status of individuals is identified. But, in many business process applications, what is important is finding someone with a certain skill. In these environments, presence will identify available skills or capabilities. This â€Å"business process† approach to integrating UC functionality can result in bottom line benefits that are an order of magnitude greater than those achievable by personal productivity methods alone. According to the International Engineering Consortium, unified communications is an industry term used to describe all forms of call and multimedia/cross-media message-management functions controlled by an individual user for both business and social purposes. This includes any enterprise informational or transactional application process that emulates a human user and uses a single, content-independent personal messaging channel (mailbox) for contact access. The essence of communication is breaking down barriers. In its simplest form, the telephone breaks distance and time barriers so that people can communicate in real time or near real time when they are not together. There are now many other barriers to be overcome. People can use many different devices to communicate (wireless phones, personal digital assistants [PDA], personal computers [PC], thin clients, etc. ), and there are now new forms of communication as well, such as instant messaging. The goal of unified communications involves breaking down these barriers so that people using different modes of communication, different media, and different devices can still communicate to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Unified communications (UC) encompasses several communication systems or models including unified messaging, collaboration, and interaction systems; real-time and near real-time communications; and transactional applications.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank The WritePass Journal

The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank Introduction. The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank Introduction.Aim What Is Credit Card. History of Credit Card.The Credit Card In Britain.Credit Card System.  Islamic Bank Of Britain.Literature reviews.Justification. Hypothesis.Research MethodologyScope.Limitations.Conclusion.Related Introduction. I aim, in my dissertation to establish a Islamic credit card model in the Britain money market and is for specially Britains Islamic bank. There is no Islamic credit card available till today in Britain, and the only Islamics financial institute is Islamic Bank Of Britain. My research basis Islamic credit card which defeats in the Middle East and in Malaysias money market. The most banks they who provides such card in Asia act according to the deferred payment to know that they (to the inah bay) were discovered later the achievement has the dispute, disguises with to oppose Islamic completely law concept (Shariah). About, the Shariah related mostly bank has their policy formulation own Shariah in Asia to obey the court, but I know the question am at the same time mostly the Shariah committee to am in the same subject question harmful viewpoint. Provides by these Asian Bank these, but is all explanations to according to Holy Bible Koran is not suitable fore-mentioned by from the †Å"Middle East Banker†. when the Persian Gulf States Bank has visits new plans Muslim to believe and to provide them the credit card. Their method is very attractively to principal and granter or the guarantee based on the system. My financial model will simultaneously carry out the religion and financial anticipated two. Perhaps this model also has loads impracticability s as for is, because perhaps by Britains Islamics banks use or they are I knew needs complex procedure. Aim I planed about   Construction of   Islamic credit card   the finance model and specially for s money market. Goal in somebody Followed; the s heel is the academic lecture core goal. 1. Discovers credit card According to Islamic legal (Shariah) s function about payment style. 2. In British appraisal credit card market, and may Muslim use these cards. 3. Provides credit card s reliability and in Islamic market revelation function. 4. Anything about in Islamic credit card Use; These s suitable model existence concept in credit card Use aspect; Discovered that the latent Islamic principles s function credit card is? What Is Credit Card. The credit card possibly is defined to arrive invariable compensation card that to propose may to purchase cardholders credit specific quantity which and pay the flowered amount. Outstanding widespread balanced, in is assigned in the time is may pay, or the interest will cause on surplus balanced. (Paxon and five, 1998) History of Credit Card. The credit card systems first type is developed in the US. Later in 20 centuries at the beginning, will use in the metal plate to the Western Alliance and other financial institute recording the customer detail and the account. The Flatbush State bank introduced its monthly allowance account bank accountholders in 1947. In 1951, the Franklin State bank was issues credit cards first financial institute to other bank customer. (Lindsey 1980). the diners club issued in 1950 the first modern credit card, and was called the travel and the entertainment (T E) card. The US express followed the visitor who ate meal to club and to provide in had the credit period characteristic between the expense and the payment for the credit card 1958, but did not have the partial payments facility. (Wonglimpiyarat 2005) the national credit card first developed and allows it to stretch across Earths other banks in 1966 from the American Bank. Will become all things as for the result rival by later to resu lt in the card between the bank and the main charge name which will provide is joined. (Frazer 1985) The Credit Card In Britain. Barclays issued in 1966 the first credit card in the agreement later by the American Bank. Barclays imports all facilities and the structure in Britain revises the American Bank operation. (Wonglompiyarat 2005) Credit Card System. The visa, the switch and Master manage under the four directions plan. These all transactions through the plan involvement are four main parties; Holder of   the card, through the use of   card, pays the payment, The card publisher, provides the card to the user, and runs the trading account, The retail merchant, sells the goods or the service back-spacing promise for the payment. Merchant acting as a purchasing agent, the absorption retail merchant, obtains from the card publishers payment and the repayment gives the merchant. They have frequently with the merchant, but its Relations; does not force.   Islamic Bank Of Britain. Islamic Bank Of Britain is only Shariah the obedient financial service authority (FSA) authorization financial institute in Britain. It started its operation and located at three British various cities and the branch in 2004 in London and the main office in the Birmingham. Other Islamics bank, I elect likely the bank goal also will provide the choice for the regular mechanics of banking through to avoid interest (Riba) and definitely to maintain the money only spends at the moral enterprise. At present the bank expands its product rapidly and serves two pair of current finances and the banking industry crisis, the Islam community in Britain, the availability non-interest credit card, in massive the growth Islamics mechanics of banking, chooses the choice modern mechanics of banking product and the service, the integrated Islamic financial concept is looking like Lloyds TSB modern bank neutral HSBC and is not voluntarily the high interest rate strong existence rule credit card. (www.i Literature reviews. In today’s society the credit card uses the achievement to pay money a basic way. Has to credit cards various uses for example payment, the Credit facility, the cash advance easy way and as for the status symbol. Presented the payment proposition money value way compared with Islamic credit card and the conventional credit card, has various questions which a lower penalty spends, provides free bonus year after year, a fancier look and the proposition expense gives up. (Ma Sum total Billah 2001). Islam permission use credit card, because it does not incur the interest, and at the same time it does not violate Shariah any rule. (Ahamad and lake huron 2002). Whether I did know the credit card service only pays the main amount as for the user to add on operates and the overhead charge credit card, the financial entry is permitted, because it does not involve any kind in the Islam the element benefit which forbids. (in el Azura 2006). The use to pays money other way credit cards ad vantage for the purchase, the cost effectiveness, the security and the world acceptability is easy to use. (Mohammad 2003). Justification. In the Middle East and Malaysia the method which discussed, anticipated financial model and gift payment method and religious belief flaxen cloth. The research possibly completes the explanation, but is may be the description possibly takes the bank with it to this domain research union important work. Hypothesis. The hypothesis has the limited research in the region Islamic credit card in Britain. (2007) the Shah pale research which and the discovery conducts has in the human limited aware about Islamic credit card. Mohd (2008) has identified influence Islamic credit card usage several factors for them. Had has developed following three hypotheses; H1: Technical and the function services quality has to immediate influence Islamic credit card user. H2: The religion has positive influence to the usage of Islamic credit card. H3: The culture is directly affects Islamic credit cards choice, the usage and satisfaction. Research Methodology The research methodology based on secondary data heavily. My research may use to the bank website in the Middle East and Southeast Asia and various origin together for example article, the research, the journal and the book. Other origins and insure London including on-line Islamics institute mechanics of banking, the Middle East banker magazine library Islamic finance (, journal and complete other on-line resources. Because appears self-confidently in the promiscuous method has the research qualitative and the quantitative method mix. Except that beside further studies may be appears to the possibility to it with the current research findings. Scope. Core goal, if the research is the development to the financial model Islamic credit card Britains Islamic bank. Bank possibly for theirs credit card research applications research at that time credit card in theirs stock list, but its long waiting. The report will also highlight the key question for example in massive the general manner, the belief and the perception about the non-interest Islamic product and the service option and the usage. The report is willing in the modern day mechanics of banking also to show the convention mechanics of banking system choice and Islamic financial concept integration, and, when result trend toward mechanics of banking Islamic way. Limitations. Limits all hates diligently, the research has the loading limit. First it is limited Islamic the credit card and Britains Islamic bank. Next, the sample will be small, and will not provide to the population overall picture. It will concentrate mainly signs in upon arrival at work a broader picture in the merchant, because of it True s stemming from found individual the control use Islamic financial organ. Also the will did not think that perhaps the religious responder and it neglects to the Islamic financial service Islam users great proportion. Conclusion. What the conclusion Islamic Bank of Britanavoids establishing likely is the regular mechanics of banking provides chooses other Islamic bank interest (Riba) and definitely maintains the money only spends at the moral enterprise. Two pair of current finances and banking industry crisis, the Islam community in Britain, is not the availability strong existence non-interest credit card, to chose the modern mechanics of banking voluntarily in massive, Islamic financial concept integrated choice in has looked like HSBC in the modern bank, and a higher interest rate in the regular credit card, there was in the non-interest giant hidden growth potential sum.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Essay Example

Geert Hofstede Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Paper Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Paper A lower score in this category shows that our country doesnt have such a wide gap between the groups that do or do not have the power in society. Brazil scored a 69 in this dimension. They accept more Inequality between the leaders and less powerful In society. In their culture, It Is Important for them to know where they stand In the community, so they know how much respect to pay to another of more power. When selling Into this country, we loud need to understand who the leaders are on the project and be very respectful. Individualism: The US scored 91 . This Is an extremely high score meaning that we value being Individuals In this country. Brazil has a score of 38. Opposite from the US, Brazilian are collectivists. They believe In the group as a whole, rather than individuals. When selling to a country with a low individualism score, you would want to build a rapport with them. You want them to feel like you are part of their family. Masculinity: The US scored a 62 in this dimension, meaning that we are more of a nominative society. Brazil falls right in the middle of the spectrum with a 49. While we strive to be the best, countries with lower scores tend to care for others and want to be happy with what they do in life. Brazil falls right in the middle. When selling to them, we should try to act as equals to them, and not feel the need to one-up them. Uncertainty Avoidance: The US scored 46. We are relatively open to new ideas and not knowing what the future holds. With a 76, Brazil has a high score in this category. : They hate ambiguity, and the unknown makes them anxious. When selling to Brazil, you should be very prepared. If you seem uncertain in yourself, they would probably steer clear of your product. Pragmatism: The US has a low score of 26. We are sometimes skeptical about new technology or changing the way we do things. Brazil scored a 44 here. They also hold some value on traditions, but are more likely to embrace change to better their future. When selling to Brazil, we should try to think outside the box more. Indulgence: In this dimension, the US comes In with a 68. We tend to Indulge more Han we restrain ourselves. Brazil scored a 59 showing they value leisure time also. When selling to Brazil, we can use our work hard, play hard attitudes to relate to them. Greet Hefted-US compared to Brazil By Ariel-Moore The US has a score of 40 in this category. A lower score in this category shows that our country doesnt have such a wide gap between the groups that do or do not have inequality between the leaders and less powerful in society. In their culture, it is important for them to know where they stand in the community, so they know how such respect to pay to another of more power. When selling into this country, we Individualism: The US scored 91 . This is an extremely high score meaning that we value being individuals in this country. Brazil has a score of 38. Opposite from the US, Brazilian are collectivists. They believe in the group as a whole, rather than Masculinity: The US scored a 62 in this dimension, meaning that we are more off Uncertainty Avoidance: The US scored 46. We are relatively open to new ideas and Indulgence: In this dimension, the US comes in with a 68. We tend to indulge more