Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Issues in the Field of Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Issues in the Field of Engineering - Essay Example The carbon dioxide laser cutting and wielding machines applies the use of energy state transition which occurs between the rotational states and the vibration states of the carbon dioxide molecule to help in the emission of light long infrared. This wave1lengths often occurs at about 10 Â µm. The carbon dioxide lasers helps in the maintenance of continuous and high levels of the power applied, making them suitable in cutting and marking applications. They are often applied in the cutting of steel and super alloys at various power levels ranging from 1 to 5 kW. The lasers are also applied in the laser eye and in the correction of the laser vision. (Krar 51) Some of the specifications for the cutting and the laser wielding machines which includes the transverse speed, power, Y-axis travel, X-axis travel and the Z-axis travel. Usually there are three different types of carbon dioxide lasers: transverse gas flow, axial gas flow and the sealed tube. For the various sealed tube lasers, the power output is 40 to 80 watts (W) per meter of the each of the tube length. The lasers are usually pumped by flash lambs, near IR laser diodes and also the gas discharge lambs. A number of the specialty laser cutting and welding laser cutting machines are applicable in the cutting of pipes tubes, films, adhesives and composite materials. The laser cutting and welding machines helped in the cutting of machines are specifically designed in the cutting of rubber, plastic, stone, marble, metal, foam, granite and the composite material. Some of the laser cutting and welding machines include integral interface and computer interface. Other systems include moto rized heads, robotic arms, guidance modules, pallets, gantry tables, monitoring systems, cabinets, sensors and laser optics. Various laser cutting and welding machine helps in the designing of applications with highest demand on the cutting speed. The fields of application

Monday, October 28, 2019

Journal on Chapter One of Al Gore’s “The Assault on Reason” Essay Example for Free

Journal on Chapter One of Al Gore’s â€Å"The Assault on Reason† Essay In the first chapter titled Politics of Fear of Al Gore’s Book, â€Å"The Assault on Reason,† the author basically dealt with one of the most prominent human emotions— fear. According to Gore, fear is the prime enemy of reason. When a person experiences fear of something or someone, his or her reasoning ability is shut down. In addition, Gore claims that fear also clouds a person’s judgment as it drives him or her to act recklessly or irrationally without considering all options available. Furthermore, Gore also pointed out in his book that fear does not only affect a single individual, but an entire nation as well. According to him, a nation crippled by fear is unable to act towards development and progress because it does not do anything to overcome that fear. On the other hand, based on Gore’s book, when a person views fear as a form of motivation for him or her, he or she would eventually act to overcome that fear and accomplish his or her goal. Generally, I agree with most of the arguments that Gore pointed out in the first chapter of his book, particularly on the areas where he related fear to politics. I believe that Gore was right in saying that there are times when people fail to distinguish between the illusionary fears and the legitimate or real ones. When this happens, people may find it extremely difficult to think rationally and plan their next move because their judgment is clouded and they are unable to listen to reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, I also believe that Gore was correct when he claimed that the present administration in the United States as used the people’s fear, which spawned after the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, to manipulate various political processes and made people believe that   all Iraqi’s were the one’s responsible for the attacks. For me, I believe that it is wrong to think all Iraqis or Muslims are terrorists simply because their fellowmen may have committed heinous crimes. I believe this is the best example of the fear that has been plaguing US citizens since the 9/11 attacks. I also believe that the nation should first identify which fear is legitimate and which is not before exercising judgment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Character of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls :: An Inspector Calls

Analyse the character of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley. Discuss his: * Role in the play * Effect on the other characters * Stage presence When the Inspector first knocks on the front door, it is dramatic irony because Arthur just said a matter of seconds before of how he ‘might get a knighthood if we don’t get into any sort of trouble’. This is a very significant time of entering, similar to knocking over a tower of Jenga – everything one has hoped for has just evaporated into thin air. As an audience we expect something very important, an altered atmosphere in the play from this moment forward. The Birling’s smug satisfaction is put on hold. It abruptly comes to a halt. Edna comes into the Dining room and says to Mr. Birling, â€Å"Please, Sir, an Inspector’s called†. The Inspector, at first appears to the audience to be a police officer. He said he had recently moved to Brumley; the family find out he is a fake when Arthur rings the police station at the end of the play. This news is even more disturbing than the questioning that takes place throughout the play, because they realised that the Inpsector had deceived them all. They had been had! But on the other hand, was the purpose of the visit fulfilled? I think the purpose of his visit was to show the family that their lives and what they do during their life is far more influential than they realise, either positively or negatively. Had they helped Eva Smith, her life may not have been lost, but in fact, the Inspector’s intention was to help them see where they went wrong and secure them on the right pathif they were willing to respond. He wanted to aid them in their understanding that in life there are huge decisions and choices to make which, if are chosen wrongly, can have devastating effects, not only for them but for other people . The reason the Police Inspector arrived here at the Birling household was to investigate a suicide. He seemed to already know everything that the family told him of the questions he was asking. It was as though he had been watching them for the past 10 or so years and knew everything that had gone on. It appears innocent, just routine innocuous questioning. On one level, J.B. Priestley is using the Inspector’s character to solve what seems to be a police inquiry, investigating a suicide. On a deeper level, Priestley is using the Inspector to help the family see where they can take greater responsibility in society; he is helping

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Palestine and Israel Essay -- Middle East War Palestin Israel Essays

Palestine and Israel On the day of January 18th, 2004 Israeli forces rushed through the Gaza strip and attempted a dangerous raid. The effects of the raid left eight Palestinians civilians dead in cold blood. Within twenty-four hours a young Palestinian police officer by the name of Ali Jaara climbed onto a Jerusalem bus and detonated a bomb, killing him and ten Israeli passengers. This is a very sad but common example of the never ending war that takes place not only on the battlefield but now on the streets and in homes of innocents. The war between Palestine and Israel may be able to date back to Biblical times and there seems to be no end in sight for either side. (Winder) The war in the Middle East is a great one. The cause for the fighting between both sides has changed repetitively. One of the earliest problems dates back to the bible. It is said that an angel promised the exiled slave Hagar that her son Ishmael would be the father of a country and his descendants would be hated and against everyone. Ishmael’s descendants did become the Arabs and would be hated by many especially the Jews. But in fact the Jews would face much more persecution and hatred than the Arabs ever did until recent events. From 1250 BCE to 138 CE the Jews fought many wars against the Roman Empire, the Babylonians, and the strength of Alexander the great. Over this time period the Jews were exiled, revolted, and then after a Jewish revolt in 133 CE, Jerusalem was destroyed and all of its inhabitants were exiled, banished, and forced into labor and slavery. (Porat) Thousands of years later in 1897 the first Zionist congress met in Switzerland to make plans for a Jewish state. Their dream was finally realized in 1917 the British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour agreed to establish a national home for Jews in Palestine. He informed a leading Zionist and this became known as the Balfour Declaration. This was the first action that may have led to the rekindling of the rivalry between Jews and Arabs. After The Declaration over the next 15 years many Jews began to immigrate to British Mandate Palestine. This caused a lot of unrest among the Palestinian Arabs, and caused a strike by the Arab population, this was countered by the Irgun Zvai Leumi who was a Zionist group that attacked not only Arabs but also British targets. The Zionist groups hoped to liberate themselves... ...they affect a lot of people who want nothing to do with the brutality and violence they are forced to face everyday. Some like the Father of the policeman who became a suicide bomber had to face many consequences. With the death of his son his family mourned and was unable to support itself. On top of those problems days after the suicide bombing Israeli forces stormed into his house and destroyed it leaving it lying in mere rubbles and stones. Now his family is forced to live in tents and on the streets to starve with it being no fault of there own. So many chances of peace have been ignored or just completely forgotten, it’s an eternal and never ending war. Works Cited Mallison, William Thomas. The Palestine problem in international law and world order. Essex: Longman, 1986. â€Å"The Origin of the Palestine Israeli Conflict.† THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS. 6 Jan. 2005. Jews for Justice in the Middle East. 6 Jan. 2005 . Porat, Dina. The blue and the yellow stars of David : the Zionist leadership in Palestine and the Holocaust. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990. Winder, Rob. â€Å"My son the suicide bomber.† BBC News Online. 2 Mar. 2004. 6 Jan. 2005

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Information Communications Technology Solutions Essay

Unified communications (UC) is a commonly used term for the integration of disparate communications systems, media, devices and applications. This potentially includes the integration of fixed and mobile voice, e-mail, instant messaging, desktop and advanced business applications, Internet Protocol (IP)-PBX, voice over IP (VoIP), presence, voice-mail, fax, audio video and web conferencing, unified messaging, unified voicemail, and whiteboarding into a single environment offering the user a more complete but simpler and more effective experience. Gartner states â€Å"The largest single value of UC is its ability to reduce â€Å"human latency† in business processes. † Unified Messaging (or UM) is the integration of different streams of communication (e-mail, SMS, Fax, voice, video, etc. ) into a single, or, unified ‘message store’, accessible from a variety of different devices. Unified Messaging was expected by many in the consumer telecommunications industry to be a popular product, first augmenting and eventually replacing voicemail. However, UM was slow to gain consumer acceptance, and UM vendors such as Comverse were badly hit when the slowdown in the telecommunications industry in 2001 made carriers wary of spending large amounts of money on technology with little proven consumer demand. Role of UM in Present Scenario Today, UM solutions are increasingly accepted in the corporate environment. The aim of deploying UM solutions generally is to enhance and improve business processes as well as services. UM solutions targeting professional end-user customers integrate communications processes into the existing IT infrastructure, i. e. into CRM, ERP and mail systems (e. g. Phoenixnet PH, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, SAP, etc. ) Unified communications is sometimes confused with unified messaging, but it is distinct. Unified communications refers to a real-time delivery of communications based on the preferred method and location of the recipient; unified messaging systems culls messages from several sources (such as email, voice mail etc. ), but holds those messages for retrieval at a later time. Unified messaging focuses on allowing users to access voice, e-mail, fax and other mixed media from a single mailbox independent of the access device. Multimedia services include messages of mixed media types such as video, sound clips, and pictures, and include communication via short message services (SMS). Components of unified communications Unified communications can include a variety of elements, such as instant messaging, telephony, video, email, voicemail, and short message services, all of which could be brought into real time and coordinated. The concept of presence is also a factor – knowing where one’s intended recipients are and if they are available, in real time – and is itself a key component of unified communications. To put it simply, unified communications integrates all the systems that a user might already be using and helps those systems work together in real time. For example, unified communications technology could allow a user to seamlessly collaborate with another person on a project, even if the two users are in separate locations. The user could quickly locate the necessary person by accessing an interactive directory, engage in a text messaging session, and then escalate the session to a voice call, or even a video call – all within minutes. In another example, an employee receives a call from a customer who wants answers. Unified communications could enable that worker to access a real-time list of available expert colleagues, then make a call that would reach the necessary person, enabling the employee to answer the customer faster, and eliminating rounds of back-and-forth emails and phone-tag. The examples in the previous paragraph primarily describe â€Å"personal productivity† enhancements that tend to benefit the individual user. While such benefits can be important, enterprises are finding that they can achieve even greater impact by using unified communications capabilities to transform business processes. This is achieved by integrating UC functionality directly into the business applications using development tools provided by many of the suppliers. Instead of the individual user invoking the UC functionality to, say, find an appropriate resource, the workflow or process application automatically identifies the resource at the point in the business activity where one is needed. When used in this manner, the concept of â€Å"presence† often changes. Most people associate presence with IM â€Å"buddy lists† — the status of individuals is identified. But, in many business process applications, what is important is finding someone with a certain skill. In these environments, presence will identify available skills or capabilities. This â€Å"business process† approach to integrating UC functionality can result in bottom line benefits that are an order of magnitude greater than those achievable by personal productivity methods alone. According to the International Engineering Consortium, unified communications is an industry term used to describe all forms of call and multimedia/cross-media message-management functions controlled by an individual user for both business and social purposes. This includes any enterprise informational or transactional application process that emulates a human user and uses a single, content-independent personal messaging channel (mailbox) for contact access. The essence of communication is breaking down barriers. In its simplest form, the telephone breaks distance and time barriers so that people can communicate in real time or near real time when they are not together. There are now many other barriers to be overcome. People can use many different devices to communicate (wireless phones, personal digital assistants [PDA], personal computers [PC], thin clients, etc. ), and there are now new forms of communication as well, such as instant messaging. The goal of unified communications involves breaking down these barriers so that people using different modes of communication, different media, and different devices can still communicate to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Unified communications (UC) encompasses several communication systems or models including unified messaging, collaboration, and interaction systems; real-time and near real-time communications; and transactional applications.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank The WritePass Journal

The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank Introduction. The britain money market and is for specially britains islamic bank Introduction.Aim What Is Credit Card. History of Credit Card.The Credit Card In Britain.Credit Card System.  Islamic Bank Of Britain.Literature reviews.Justification. Hypothesis.Research MethodologyScope.Limitations.Conclusion.Related Introduction. I aim, in my dissertation to establish a Islamic credit card model in the Britain money market and is for specially Britains Islamic bank. There is no Islamic credit card available till today in Britain, and the only Islamics financial institute is Islamic Bank Of Britain. My research basis Islamic credit card which defeats in the Middle East and in Malaysias money market. The most banks they who provides such card in Asia act according to the deferred payment to know that they (to the inah bay) were discovered later the achievement has the dispute, disguises with to oppose Islamic completely law concept (Shariah). About, the Shariah related mostly bank has their policy formulation own Shariah in Asia to obey the court, but I know the question am at the same time mostly the Shariah committee to am in the same subject question harmful viewpoint. Provides by these Asian Bank these, but is all explanations to according to Holy Bible Koran is not suitable fore-mentioned by from the †Å"Middle East Banker†. when the Persian Gulf States Bank has visits new plans Muslim to believe and to provide them the credit card. Their method is very attractively to principal and granter or the guarantee based on the system. My financial model will simultaneously carry out the religion and financial anticipated two. Perhaps this model also has loads impracticability s as for is, because perhaps by Britains Islamics banks use or they are I knew needs complex procedure. Aim I planed about   Construction of   Islamic credit card   the finance model and specially for s money market. Goal in somebody Followed; the s heel is the academic lecture core goal. 1. Discovers credit card According to Islamic legal (Shariah) s function about payment style. 2. In British appraisal credit card market, and may Muslim use these cards. 3. Provides credit card s reliability and in Islamic market revelation function. 4. Anything about in Islamic credit card Use; These s suitable model existence concept in credit card Use aspect; Discovered that the latent Islamic principles s function credit card is? What Is Credit Card. The credit card possibly is defined to arrive invariable compensation card that to propose may to purchase cardholders credit specific quantity which and pay the flowered amount. Outstanding widespread balanced, in is assigned in the time is may pay, or the interest will cause on surplus balanced. (Paxon and five, 1998) History of Credit Card. The credit card systems first type is developed in the US. Later in 20 centuries at the beginning, will use in the metal plate to the Western Alliance and other financial institute recording the customer detail and the account. The Flatbush State bank introduced its monthly allowance account bank accountholders in 1947. In 1951, the Franklin State bank was issues credit cards first financial institute to other bank customer. (Lindsey 1980). the diners club issued in 1950 the first modern credit card, and was called the travel and the entertainment (T E) card. The US express followed the visitor who ate meal to club and to provide in had the credit period characteristic between the expense and the payment for the credit card 1958, but did not have the partial payments facility. (Wonglimpiyarat 2005) the national credit card first developed and allows it to stretch across Earths other banks in 1966 from the American Bank. Will become all things as for the result rival by later to resu lt in the card between the bank and the main charge name which will provide is joined. (Frazer 1985) The Credit Card In Britain. Barclays issued in 1966 the first credit card in the agreement later by the American Bank. Barclays imports all facilities and the structure in Britain revises the American Bank operation. (Wonglompiyarat 2005) Credit Card System. The visa, the switch and Master manage under the four directions plan. These all transactions through the plan involvement are four main parties; Holder of   the card, through the use of   card, pays the payment, The card publisher, provides the card to the user, and runs the trading account, The retail merchant, sells the goods or the service back-spacing promise for the payment. Merchant acting as a purchasing agent, the absorption retail merchant, obtains from the card publishers payment and the repayment gives the merchant. They have frequently with the merchant, but its Relations; does not force.   Islamic Bank Of Britain. Islamic Bank Of Britain is only Shariah the obedient financial service authority (FSA) authorization financial institute in Britain. It started its operation and located at three British various cities and the branch in 2004 in London and the main office in the Birmingham. Other Islamics bank, I elect likely the bank goal also will provide the choice for the regular mechanics of banking through to avoid interest (Riba) and definitely to maintain the money only spends at the moral enterprise. At present the bank expands its product rapidly and serves two pair of current finances and the banking industry crisis, the Islam community in Britain, the availability non-interest credit card, in massive the growth Islamics mechanics of banking, chooses the choice modern mechanics of banking product and the service, the integrated Islamic financial concept is looking like Lloyds TSB modern bank neutral HSBC and is not voluntarily the high interest rate strong existence rule credit card. (www.i Literature reviews. In today’s society the credit card uses the achievement to pay money a basic way. Has to credit cards various uses for example payment, the Credit facility, the cash advance easy way and as for the status symbol. Presented the payment proposition money value way compared with Islamic credit card and the conventional credit card, has various questions which a lower penalty spends, provides free bonus year after year, a fancier look and the proposition expense gives up. (Ma Sum total Billah 2001). Islam permission use credit card, because it does not incur the interest, and at the same time it does not violate Shariah any rule. (Ahamad and lake huron 2002). Whether I did know the credit card service only pays the main amount as for the user to add on operates and the overhead charge credit card, the financial entry is permitted, because it does not involve any kind in the Islam the element benefit which forbids. (in el Azura 2006). The use to pays money other way credit cards ad vantage for the purchase, the cost effectiveness, the security and the world acceptability is easy to use. (Mohammad 2003). Justification. In the Middle East and Malaysia the method which discussed, anticipated financial model and gift payment method and religious belief flaxen cloth. The research possibly completes the explanation, but is may be the description possibly takes the bank with it to this domain research union important work. Hypothesis. The hypothesis has the limited research in the region Islamic credit card in Britain. (2007) the Shah pale research which and the discovery conducts has in the human limited aware about Islamic credit card. Mohd (2008) has identified influence Islamic credit card usage several factors for them. Had has developed following three hypotheses; H1: Technical and the function services quality has to immediate influence Islamic credit card user. H2: The religion has positive influence to the usage of Islamic credit card. H3: The culture is directly affects Islamic credit cards choice, the usage and satisfaction. Research Methodology The research methodology based on secondary data heavily. My research may use to the bank website in the Middle East and Southeast Asia and various origin together for example article, the research, the journal and the book. Other origins and insure London including on-line Islamics institute mechanics of banking, the Middle East banker magazine library Islamic finance (, journal and complete other on-line resources. Because appears self-confidently in the promiscuous method has the research qualitative and the quantitative method mix. Except that beside further studies may be appears to the possibility to it with the current research findings. Scope. Core goal, if the research is the development to the financial model Islamic credit card Britains Islamic bank. Bank possibly for theirs credit card research applications research at that time credit card in theirs stock list, but its long waiting. The report will also highlight the key question for example in massive the general manner, the belief and the perception about the non-interest Islamic product and the service option and the usage. The report is willing in the modern day mechanics of banking also to show the convention mechanics of banking system choice and Islamic financial concept integration, and, when result trend toward mechanics of banking Islamic way. Limitations. Limits all hates diligently, the research has the loading limit. First it is limited Islamic the credit card and Britains Islamic bank. Next, the sample will be small, and will not provide to the population overall picture. It will concentrate mainly signs in upon arrival at work a broader picture in the merchant, because of it True s stemming from found individual the control use Islamic financial organ. Also the will did not think that perhaps the religious responder and it neglects to the Islamic financial service Islam users great proportion. Conclusion. What the conclusion Islamic Bank of Britanavoids establishing likely is the regular mechanics of banking provides chooses other Islamic bank interest (Riba) and definitely maintains the money only spends at the moral enterprise. Two pair of current finances and banking industry crisis, the Islam community in Britain, is not the availability strong existence non-interest credit card, to chose the modern mechanics of banking voluntarily in massive, Islamic financial concept integrated choice in has looked like HSBC in the modern bank, and a higher interest rate in the regular credit card, there was in the non-interest giant hidden growth potential sum.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Essay Example

Geert Hofstede Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Paper Geert Hofstede-US compared to Brazil Paper A lower score in this category shows that our country doesnt have such a wide gap between the groups that do or do not have the power in society. Brazil scored a 69 in this dimension. They accept more Inequality between the leaders and less powerful In society. In their culture, It Is Important for them to know where they stand In the community, so they know how much respect to pay to another of more power. When selling Into this country, we loud need to understand who the leaders are on the project and be very respectful. Individualism: The US scored 91 . This Is an extremely high score meaning that we value being Individuals In this country. Brazil has a score of 38. Opposite from the US, Brazilian are collectivists. They believe In the group as a whole, rather than individuals. When selling to a country with a low individualism score, you would want to build a rapport with them. You want them to feel like you are part of their family. Masculinity: The US scored a 62 in this dimension, meaning that we are more of a nominative society. Brazil falls right in the middle of the spectrum with a 49. While we strive to be the best, countries with lower scores tend to care for others and want to be happy with what they do in life. Brazil falls right in the middle. When selling to them, we should try to act as equals to them, and not feel the need to one-up them. Uncertainty Avoidance: The US scored 46. We are relatively open to new ideas and not knowing what the future holds. With a 76, Brazil has a high score in this category. : They hate ambiguity, and the unknown makes them anxious. When selling to Brazil, you should be very prepared. If you seem uncertain in yourself, they would probably steer clear of your product. Pragmatism: The US has a low score of 26. We are sometimes skeptical about new technology or changing the way we do things. Brazil scored a 44 here. They also hold some value on traditions, but are more likely to embrace change to better their future. When selling to Brazil, we should try to think outside the box more. Indulgence: In this dimension, the US comes In with a 68. We tend to Indulge more Han we restrain ourselves. Brazil scored a 59 showing they value leisure time also. When selling to Brazil, we can use our work hard, play hard attitudes to relate to them. Greet Hefted-US compared to Brazil By Ariel-Moore The US has a score of 40 in this category. A lower score in this category shows that our country doesnt have such a wide gap between the groups that do or do not have inequality between the leaders and less powerful in society. In their culture, it is important for them to know where they stand in the community, so they know how such respect to pay to another of more power. When selling into this country, we Individualism: The US scored 91 . This is an extremely high score meaning that we value being individuals in this country. Brazil has a score of 38. Opposite from the US, Brazilian are collectivists. They believe in the group as a whole, rather than Masculinity: The US scored a 62 in this dimension, meaning that we are more off Uncertainty Avoidance: The US scored 46. We are relatively open to new ideas and Indulgence: In this dimension, the US comes in with a 68. We tend to indulge more

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The 5 Worst Ways to Hunt for a Job

The 5 Worst Ways to Hunt for a Job Doing everything right and still not getting the gig? Make sure you’re not breaking any of these five hard-and-fast rules before despairing. The problem could be your strategy! 1. Getting stuck in search enginesFor every online application you submit, try to find an ‘in’ somewhere instead. Troll your LinkedIn for personal connections. Reach out. Use your network. That direct introduction could be the difference between an online application and an actual interview. Instead of doing keyword job searches, sign up to get Job Matches based on your entire profile.2. Applying to everythingYou’re amazing and you’re versatile, but you’re not qualified for everything. Make sure you’re not applying blind to absolutely every job, no matter whether you are qualified. Or, if you don’t look right on paper but can make a case for yourself, try and reach out directly to the hiring manager. If you’re not matching up to job requirements, co nsider taking a class or honing a new skill for the next round of applications.3. Expecting a breakSure, you’re a fast learner. But sometimes a company wants to hire someone who can jump right in the ring. Being a â€Å"fast learner† is great, but don’t expect that that will always get you through the door. Focus your energy instead on convincing your interviewer why you’d actually be perfect for the job, rather than claiming you can catch up as you go along.4. Being too aggressiveOkay, we get it. You’re looking for work. But networking is networking. Allow time to build a relationship before sticking your resume in a new connection’s face. Try and build a real relationship before you start asking for favors- or a job!5. Calling too muchIf you haven’t heard anything, play it cool. A simple, respectful follow-up email checking on their decision-making timeline will do fine. There’s a difference between proactivity and desperatio n. Make sure you’re on the good side.If you’re guilty of any of these five faux pas, consider trying a new strategy. These common sense guidelines should be a productive start.5 Job Search Tactics You Should Stop Immediately

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How government policy affect US banking system Essay

How government policy affect US banking system - Essay Example The demand-deposit control has turned banks into the middle agents and the principal agents in the US payment system and the financial transactions taking place. The costs and the benefits of banking regulation include the major industry changes witnessed that include internet and electronic banking; data processing models improved communication; and the development of more complex risk management and financial instruments (Graig, 1983). Government policy on the banking sector determines the outlook of the banking system, influencing the entry of players in the system and determining who is capable of engaging in the banking business. The policy definitions offer guidance on who can operate a bank, which services can be traded, and models of expansion that can be employed by banks. Banking regulation in the US increases the protection offered to depositors (Ambrose, Michael, &Â  Anthony, 2005). This adjusted effect came after the government recognized that increasing numbers were co nducting their business through banks, and deposits of businesses and individuals were increasing. Banking regulations imposed the improvement of financial and monetary stability. This was introduced in reaction to the recognition that there was an increasing level of transactions and businesses carried out among businesses and individuals (Spong, 2000). ... ation on the US banking structure increased competition among banking sector players, which was expected to improve the quality and the efficiency of the services delivered to customers (Graig, 1983). Government policy and regulation have increased the level of consumer protection observed in the US banking system, through a number of ways. These ways include safeguarding the moneys saved in the bank as well as improving the quality of services offered by banks (Rezende, 2011). The banking legislation and regulation of the 1970s and 1980s led to the development of a more open and competitive banking system. The policies also led to the adoption of technological models that could improve the quality of banking services offered in the US. The effect of the regulation also improved the capacity of banks to serve the increasing number of customers, as well as adapt to the changing economic environment. Some of the regulations that created this effect include the International Banking Act of 1978 (Spong, 2000), which required equitable treatment among both domestic and foreign bankers, in different areas, including reserve deposits, branching and the observance of banking regulations (Spong, 2000). The second was the financial Institutions Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978, which sought to eliminate different forms of financial abuses (Federal Reserve, 2010). The Act also increased the capacity of regulatory agencies in avoiding the concentration of management and control. The other is the Depository Institutions and Deregulation and Monetary control Act of 1980 (Spong, 2000), which sought to ensure that the different financial institutions did their business from a more equal and efficient competition ground (Rezende, 2011). Government policy led to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Loke (second treatiseof government, and machiavelli Essay

Loke (second treatiseof government, and machiavelli - Essay Example In a nutshell, emergency involves making preparations before an event. Emergency planning also aims at creating preparedness (Perry 7). It has an influence on response and recovery. Emergency plans guide operational decisions during the management of agent-generated and response-generated demands (Phelan, 2008). On the other hand, emergency operations majorly focus on performance (Phelan 16). Such operations require the use of a set of guidelines presented in terms of a plan. Every decision made during an emergency operation should be based on the guidelines outlined in the plan guide. The success of emergency operations depends on the availability of resources for use and frequent assessment of demands by responders as needs arise. Responders must be alert in order to identify any arising demands and should be creative when addressing such demands. The success of emergency operations also relies on the use of pre-event lists checklists. However, such checklists do not guarantee maxi mum success. Personnel must improvise them in order to achieve higher accomplishments. Actions taken by response personnel and emergency managers are what constitute an emergency operation. 2. Planning Process It is noted with concern that the emergency planning process is more important than the emergency plan itself. Emergency planning ensures that communities achieve disaster preparedness. As a process planning involves consultation, training, equipping, and critiques (Perry 28). The end result of such a process is an improvement in the ability of a community to handle risks. A significant number of individuals think that written plans are used in defining preparedness. I agree with such a line of thinking but the same people should be careful not to equate a plan with preparedness. The process is more important than the plan because it is practical. The plan is only but a picture presentation of the planning process at a specific time and does not guarantee the presence of a haz ard. On the other hand, the process of emergency planning involves practical steps such as ongoing monitoring, personnel training, and system exercising hence providing a definition for preparedness. It is important that organizations and jurisdictions adopt a continuous planning process because preparedness is dynamic in nature. Such a process should include continual monitoring of the environment so as to identify threats and discover new technology that can be used in handling such threats. Resources, threats, and even organizational structure may change over time. Moreover, lack of continuous training may result in the disappearing of performance skills. Such eventualities can only be addressed by ensuring that organization and jurisdictions establish a continuous emergency planning process. Despite the usefulness of the emergency planning process, the process may face some resistance. One main reason for such resistance is apathy. Apathy arises when individuals do not like to t hink about disasters (Phelan 22). Therefore, they develop the idea that emergency planning takes resources hence they end up not supporting the process of emergency planning. 3. Preparedness Exercises Organizations and j

Job Task Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Job Task Analysis - Essay Example ions and submitting them to the human resource manager, scheduling interviews for new employees in the branch, and following up on their progress once employed. Any memos for the department are also to be prepared by the personnel clerk in charge (Reddy, 2004). Behavioral objectives are goals that the military branch will be aiming to accomplish when training the personnel clerk. They include duties and responsibilities that the clerk should be conversant with by the end of the training. Therefore, according to the above tasks the behavioral objectives listed should be that: the personnel clerk will master all the recording procedures in the office; he or she will also be able to understand on how to follow up on the military personnel; he or she will be able to construct a pay roll sheet from the attendance register and lastly, that he or she will be able to prepare all the notices memos of the personnel department if need be. A job task analysis is used to train an employer by laying out all the duties to be performed. (Wolfe, 1991) An analysis for a personnel clerk would be: Enter into the office; Sign in at the register; Check out the attendance of each and every employee of the military branch; Note any absent employees; Identify the events of the day; Ensure all the office records are neatly in place; Arrange any misplaced documents; Prepare any memos required; Receive and attend to any visitors of the personnel department; Ensure that any injured militants are attended to; Ensure the pay roll sheet is in agreement with the attendance list; Check the mail box of the personnel department; Forward and present any available resumes and application mails to the necessary offices; Follow up on the new employees of the organization; Schedule interviews for any new employees and finally sign out the employees after work. Generally, a personnel clerk is important in all organizations since all organizations have employees that need to be managed and yet the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American Industrialization during the 19th century Essay

American Industrialization during the 19th century - Essay Example For female Eastern European workers the transition from the age of handicrafts to the era of machines presents a picture of greed. Most of the former sharecroppers hoped for better life in the city, but in reality wages always work toward minimum level. To assert some control over the changes they jointed into labour unions. The populism movement of Arkansas protestant farmers had a great influence on cooperatives on a national scale. In general, industrialization helped them to improve production, but on the other hand they were faced with new problems caused by industrialization. Researchers suppose that social and economic conditions of American society created an ideal platform for industrialization. The protestant ethic and a belief in free business and an influence on technological innovation and economic growth. Labor-saving devices and new technologies freed workers to enter the factories, which also drew upon immigrant labor. Aided by the spread of the transportation network, the boom period in American industrialization came in the second half of the 19th century. "In the 1890s, groups of Americans seemed to be estranged from each other as they rarely had been before. A few were enjoying the fruits of astonishing wealth, building for themselves magnificent, multimillion-dollar "summer cottages" reminiscent of glittering European palaces" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). The most important event was that the working American class was shaped. This process was closely connected with introduction of machinery into manufacturing caused changes in the organization of work. The economies of organized wholesale production were soon made apparent, and the tendency to increase the size of the factory and to merge the various spheres of industry under control of big corporations has continued to the present. The complexity of business operations also increased with the development of transportation and trade facilit ies. Taking into account industrial innovations it is evident that the new industry needed more labour forces to progress, and immigrants, former slaves and women became the source of labour. All industrial changes had a great influence on the American social class structure affecting the lives of people. Primarily, these changes were closely connected with the break-up of the system. "European and American efforts to colonize and explore the far reaches of the globe brought whites face to face with darker-skinned peoples, whom scholars in the new discipline of anthropology studied and classified. The "New Immigration" from eastern Europe raised concerns about conferring citizenship on non-Anglos, such as Russian Jews, Poles, and Italians" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). Nevertheless, not all the benefits of industrialization were advantageous for social classes. After industrial Revolution such processes as "the emancipation" of women, the rise of women' self-consciousness became apparent. That understanding of rights always draws together women of similar ambitions and tasks now began to work significant changes in the economic order. Nevertheless, "many minority women, s uch as Hispana activist Adeiina Otero Wairen, supported the suffrage movement even though white leaders kept their distance and refused to embrace the antiracist campaigns of their nonwhite sisters" (Created Equal, Ch. 19, 2005). Eastern European factory women

Depletion of Social Security For The Retired Essay

Depletion of Social Security For The Retired - Essay Example It is observed that the policies like Medicare and Medicaid fail to deliver sustained assistance in regards to the inflationary drives in healthcare. The government of the state looks after these medical financing policies for the elderly and the poor people. In a similar manner, the pension for the elderly people is in utter doldrums. The nature of the pension crisis is observed to be much more complex in regards to the Medical benefits. Companies go on retrenching old people giving them to retire and save labor cost. The pension schemes of the corporate sector have become very misleading making the retirees and old people suffer for the same. (Eyal & Sherman, 3) The paper researches on the nature and magnitude of the stated problems and endeavors to find a probable solution to such. The conglomerate terminology given to a host of programs targeting incidents like retirement, disability, dependency and survival needs in a person’s life is regarded as Social Security programs. The scope of the social security programs center on providing the households of working families needed financial assistance at times when they become unable to earn further owing to the above reasons. In the initial stage, the social security programs were designed to cater to the needs of the elderly population of America. In regards to the depletion in the job availability of the elderly population and the division of the family owing to the job, transfers the social security schemes targeted providing financial assistance to the elderly population. However, the current scenario, which is a combination of inflationary living standards and stagnation of benefits coupled with rise in penalty to the elder working force ears up the benefits accruing from such programs. The wealth and income gap in America plays havoc with one percent of the rich population controlling 40 percent of America’s wealth

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American Industrialization during the 19th century Essay

American Industrialization during the 19th century - Essay Example For female Eastern European workers the transition from the age of handicrafts to the era of machines presents a picture of greed. Most of the former sharecroppers hoped for better life in the city, but in reality wages always work toward minimum level. To assert some control over the changes they jointed into labour unions. The populism movement of Arkansas protestant farmers had a great influence on cooperatives on a national scale. In general, industrialization helped them to improve production, but on the other hand they were faced with new problems caused by industrialization. Researchers suppose that social and economic conditions of American society created an ideal platform for industrialization. The protestant ethic and a belief in free business and an influence on technological innovation and economic growth. Labor-saving devices and new technologies freed workers to enter the factories, which also drew upon immigrant labor. Aided by the spread of the transportation network, the boom period in American industrialization came in the second half of the 19th century. "In the 1890s, groups of Americans seemed to be estranged from each other as they rarely had been before. A few were enjoying the fruits of astonishing wealth, building for themselves magnificent, multimillion-dollar "summer cottages" reminiscent of glittering European palaces" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). The most important event was that the working American class was shaped. This process was closely connected with introduction of machinery into manufacturing caused changes in the organization of work. The economies of organized wholesale production were soon made apparent, and the tendency to increase the size of the factory and to merge the various spheres of industry under control of big corporations has continued to the present. The complexity of business operations also increased with the development of transportation and trade facilit ies. Taking into account industrial innovations it is evident that the new industry needed more labour forces to progress, and immigrants, former slaves and women became the source of labour. All industrial changes had a great influence on the American social class structure affecting the lives of people. Primarily, these changes were closely connected with the break-up of the system. "European and American efforts to colonize and explore the far reaches of the globe brought whites face to face with darker-skinned peoples, whom scholars in the new discipline of anthropology studied and classified. The "New Immigration" from eastern Europe raised concerns about conferring citizenship on non-Anglos, such as Russian Jews, Poles, and Italians" (Created equal, Ch.18, 2005). Nevertheless, not all the benefits of industrialization were advantageous for social classes. After industrial Revolution such processes as "the emancipation" of women, the rise of women' self-consciousness became apparent. That understanding of rights always draws together women of similar ambitions and tasks now began to work significant changes in the economic order. Nevertheless, "many minority women, s uch as Hispana activist Adeiina Otero Wairen, supported the suffrage movement even though white leaders kept their distance and refused to embrace the antiracist campaigns of their nonwhite sisters" (Created Equal, Ch. 19, 2005). Eastern European factory women

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lan Yu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lan Yu - Essay Example In this movie, Chen Handong who is a successful businessperson takes Lan Yu home with him just to have fun. He is clear that all he wants to do is have fun and they will eventually break up. In our society today such is the trend for the opposite gender couples. They are in it for the fun and not the relationship. Lan Yu falls in love with Handong but he finds out that the man is cheating which is the case for opposite gender couples. All form of couples can cheat and this is no different for the gay couples (Kwan, Lan Yu). Make-ups and break-ups are prevalent in opposite gender couples. People break-up and later in life, their paths cross and they decide to try it again. This is no different for the gay couples as seen in this movie. Handong is worried that Lan Yu has been caught up in the violence in Tiananmen Square and looks for him. This was after their first break-up and he takes him back. When anyone wants to settle they may have doubts about their current partner and this may spill over to refusing to settle down or changing the partner. This is an experience that is faced by both the opposite gender couples and gay couples. Handong has an affair with Jingping because he is not sure if he wants to settle down with Lan Yu (Kwan, Lan Yu). The movie Lan Yu has depicted homosexuality as a socially accepted norm where Lan Yu and Handong’s sister hold a welcome-home party for Handong. Hangdong’s family shows great support for the couple’s relationship. The real situation in china is different. Families due to the following reasons do not support LTGB groups in this country. According to tradition, a man must marry the opposite gender in order to have children, which is considered a very important aspect of life. The wife is also supposed to care for the husband and thus many families do not allow this kind of marriages or relationships to exist. Socially this is not acceptable and most families do not support the idea of one marrying

Life today is better Essay Example for Free

Life today is better Essay Nowadays life is more comfortable, convenient and better than it was a century before. Modern facilities for health, education, communication and transport have added a lot in bringing betterment to the life of people. Advances in technology have provided people with many ways to spend their leisure time and they also have more opportunities to utilize their physical and mental abilities to achieve a better living standard. Technology and education have got much better as compared to the past as there are more schools, colleges and universities giving basic and modern education. Subsequently, it has revolutionized all the sectors of society. For instance, in the past 100 years, research surveys indicate that millions of people died due to disease outbreaks and absence of cures and appropriate health facilities. But now the mortality rate has significantly reduced because there are hospitals available almost in every town, equipped with basic emergency requirements. Medical research and inventions have eradicated many diseases from the world. Communication has become much easier and fast as internet, mobile phones, television are available nowadays. There is no need to write long descriptive letters and wait for the response for long time. One can talk and even watch his loved ones with only a single click. They provide a better source of recreation too, thus helping to get rid of boredom. Similarly, infrastructure has been improved hence it has upgraded the standard of travelling. One can travel long distances using airplane in few hours while it was not possible some years ago. People had to travel for days to cover long distances on animals, keeping heavy luggage and food with them. Development in industrial sectors has opened new areas for work to earn a living. It has introduced a wide range of career choices so that one can opt for what he likes to do instead of sticking with the occupation of ancestors. It can be inferred from the above arguments that standard of life is far better than it was in the past. People have more facilities and choices for spending and maintaining their lives. It has all happened due to the advent of education and technology that was absent in the past.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Feasibility of Online Shopping in UK Primark

Feasibility of Online Shopping in UK Primark Abstract The purpose of this research is to study the online shopping in UK clothing retail market, and how it will be helpful to the researcher to get the idea about the feasibility of Primark online shopping service. The research is divided in 5 chapters each chapter gives the reader some idea about online shopping and how it will be beneficial for the company and the consumer. Moreover, the researcher uses this chapter to explain his/her point of view by taking individual chapter. Each chapter has many sub divisions. The researcher plan her research on typical system like chapter vies start from introduction, literature review, methodology, implementation calculation and last conclusion. In this techno savvy world people are using the technology in their day to day life. Sometimes they are using directly and sometimes indirectly but now the situation is like that the person must have use the technology to make their life luxurious. The researcher writes about ecommerce, its advantages and disadvantages. In methodology, the researcher use the both type of data qualitative and quantitative. In quantitative the researcher collects both type of primary and secondary data by using interview and survey. The aim of the research is how Primark can increase its sell in this competitive market. And online shopping market is very strong in UK. Furthermore how the online shopping will be change the stores situation and what are the changes the company will get. 1. INTRODUCTION The researcher doing t CHAPTER 1 1.1. WHAT IS PRIMARK? Primark Stores Limited is an Irish clothing retailer. Its stores are located in various regions like United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain. Within this area of responsibility, Primark stores outnumbered other clothing retailer business, with one hundred sixty one stores overall distributed in three major regions: one hundred twenty-five in the United Kingdom. The company positions itself as marketing fashionable at cutthroat prices. Primark is known for selling clothes at the budget end of the market. Its success is based on sourcing supply, making clothes with simple designs and fabrics and targets young, fashion-conscious individuals ages 35 below, offering them simple yet high quality clothes and apparels. The relevance of global trends and consumers demands on lifestyle made Primark Store Limited reinvent its business scheme and management structure. From the first penny store in Ireland to the latest flagship store in Liverpool, the Primark story has been one of continuing success founded on a unique combination and lean operations. Primark was opened their first Penney store in Mary Street Dublin in June 1969. During the one year time they added four more stores in Dublin. After continues success in Dublin, in next three year 1971, Primark opened their first store outside the Dublin in Cork and end of that year there were 11 more stores in Ireland and one in Northern Ireland. Furthermore, in 1973, the number of stores had reached 18 in Ireland and Primark Began trading in Great Britain with four out of-town stores. The following year saw the opening of the first UK high street store in Derby and Bristol. In ten more years Primark increase the number of stores in UK and Ireland both like 18 new store added in UK and 9 stores in in Ireland. And the management also expanded the number of the stores in UK and Ireland to 22 stores each. The most innovating thing of Primark was in ten years duration from 1984 to 1994 a further Like most of the Primark stores in high street so it is beneficial to them. Primark has so many strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Like 40 years experienced retailer, reasonable price seller of clothes, eco friendly carrier bags etc. Primark has so many weaknesses, weak public relationship, leak of services, no online facility for shopping. For promotional development Primark can introduce their own store cards, Self scan area and soon. Due to competitive market Primark provide cheapest clothes to customers. Its create threat for Primark to stay in these market. LIST OF STORE LOCATION IN LONDON Basildon Kingston-Upon-Thames Basingstoke Lewisham, Bedford Leytonstone, Bexleyheath London Brighton, Luton Bromley Maidstone Camberley Margate, Chatham Norwich Crawley Oxford Croydon Peckham Dartford Reading, Ealing Romford Eastbourne Slough, Eastham Southend Gravesend Stevenage Hackney Sutton Hammersmith Thurrock Harlow Tooting Harrow Watford Hemel Hempstead Wandsworth Hounslow Wembley Ipswich Woking Kilburn, Woolwich Table 1: Field work Primark store location in London Primark stores a privately held subsidiary of Associated British Foods, Is involved in opening departmental store. It owns and operated 188 departmental stores that provide products such as women wear, children wear, menswear, footwear, accessories, The children market in Britain is worth  £4.5bn. Five years ago, Primark had a 2.8% market share. By 2006 this had risen 5.4% and in 2007 to 6.2% this now places Primark fourth in terms of market share. (Sutherland Canwall, 2008) What is e-commerce? 1.2 Aim The researcher aim to do this research to increase the volume of sales at present Primark is leading clothing retailer in UK. Furthermore according to this techno savvy world, and to compete the all competitors Primark also have to be go ahead with some new innovation with them. 1.3 Objectives 1. To explore how online shopping can benefit Primark and boost its sales. 2. To calculate, agree and plan for the necessary resources for this project 3. To investigate the market for online shopping service in the UK competitors market. 4. To identify new segment to increase the market share CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. ONLINE SHOPPING SERVICE The researcher wants to introduce new direct marketing strategy for Primark to increase the sales volume. Like other competitors, Primark does not have an online shopping facility. In this day and age of technological advancement, it becomes very essential for any organisation to establish oneself in the field of e-commerce. The researcher has found a gap in the market for such a technological need and would like to introduce a promotional strategy for the companys growth in this high tech savvy world. The e-commerce can be defined as a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organization, merchants and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery, by using Internet (Goal, 2007). According to Varley, (2006), since the start of the new millennium, shopping via a computer has moved from the something indulged by a niche market to commonplace activity amongst the population masses. Furthermore the n ew internet world provide the retail industry with a new and exciting way of enticing consumer to purchase the product from the comfort from their available place like from home, office or anywhere they can access the ‘virtual world. In fact in recent developments in personal mobile communications industry would suggest that before long we will be able to go shopping literally anywhere at any time. Since the more improvement in the online shopping service is providing more and more luxurious service day by day so the the home delivery option alongside stores as the retail industry has developed. According to Fletcher, Bell McNaughton, (2004) e-commerce involves electronically medicated exchanges with customers. According to Rosen, (2002). Electronic commerce or â€Å"e-commerce† covers the range of online business activities for products and services, both business-to-business and business-to-customers, through the Internet. E-commerce breaks into two components: On the other hand side online auction is straightforward yet revolutionary business concept. Brokage business model, auctions bring the buyers and sellers together in a virtual marketplace. ( Bidgoli, 2002)  · Online Shopping: The scope of information and activities that provides customers with the information to conduct business with you and to make informed buying decisions.  · Online Purchasing: The technology infrastructure for the exchange of data and the purchase of the product over the Internet. Online purchasing is a metaphor used in business-to-business e-commerce for providing customers with an online method of placing orders, submitting purchase orders, or requesting quotes ( Rosen, 2002) Estimates vary as to the size of the business-to-consumer e-commerce market. The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that the total purchases made over the web were $10 billion in 1997 and will be more than $220 billion in 2001 (Oliveria, Amorim and Vilao, 1999). These large s are put in a wider context by KPMG (1999) which reports that, â€Å"Direct sales are 5% of retail sales in the UK and 4#% in the US. Of this total, 16% US home sales and 1% of UK home sales are electronic.† Forrester Research (Tagliabue, 1999) whose 1999 research showed Selling goods and services online is also called ecommerce. Popular ecommerce Web sites include and eBay, yahoo shopping, etoys, the met store , smart shopper and so on. Ecommerce is not the sole province of large companies, however; many small businesses have found considerable success selling on the Internet. Like this research content the use of the technology so the researcher would like to discuss about e-commerce service, Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information across the Internet. The e-commerce can be defined as a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organization, merchants and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery, by using Internet (Goal, 2007). According to Forrester Research at, the European online retail market is expected to grow from Euro 40 billion in 2004 to Euro 167 billion by 2009 (Forrester, 2006) Cited in (Burdick, Coakley Richardson, 2006)). And what are the benefits of e-commerce service? But basically the people knows each and every coin has two side so when you get some benefits from the ecommerce on the other hand side you get some disadvantages of the ecommerce as well. Moreover, with the help of online shopping service people can save their time for the shopping, online shopping service is very flexible you can use it anytime. In the opposite side you cannot touch and feel it you cant get it immediately first you pass through the very long process of ordering and after some days limitation like after four days delivery or one week delivery your get you stuff. But nowadays the most of the market work with the online shopping service like all the clothing stores provide Online shopping service. For example MS, Next, Topshop, Matalan, Monsoon, and soon. These all the clothing company has very high share market value in the market and very huge turn over in the market as well. According to the issue published in The Guardian, (2007), The weather also effect the shopping from the store and the online like the number shows how much it effect the market online market sales. In July 2007, because of the wet weather the sales increased by  £4bn in a month for the first time at  £4.2bn up from  £2.3bn in July a year ago according to the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG). 2.2 PRIMARK ONLINE SHOPPING SERVICE (STRATEGY) ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Every new thing has its own pros and cons like online shopping service is advantageous as much as disadvantageous for the Primark. First the researcher would like to discuss the advantages of the online shopping service at Primark. According to the competitor of Primarks are MS, Matalan, Topshop, Next and so on. All of the competitors are providing very good and fast online shopping service for their customers. 2.2.1 Business Benefits According to the Rosen, (2002), by providing your customers with 24 hour-a-day,7-day-a-week (24 x 7) access to information, you can support sales, in some cases shorten the sales cycle, and cut your administrative costs, since customers have access to information when they want it. Some people believe that shown that FAQs on an online shopping site give customers a better idea of companys product and help them feel more comfortable making the decision to buy. E-commerce is a great way to get the business of these off- peak shoppers. For a very small amount of money, a company can have its â€Å"cyber-shop† open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Savings on customers service staff, savings on telephone operators and sales people, instant update of catalogues and prices, product targeting, active targeting , passive targeting, better overhead and inventory control, worldwide visibility, attractive option for the physically challenged (Shim, 2000). Further all the advantageous strategy for the any company who introduce their online shopping service. With the Internet reaching all corner of the world so by introducing the online shopping service Primark can be reach all around the world. Actually they can advertise themselves globally for very small price. When the online shopping service the company proved they give the all the detailed description of the products so the Primark have to be recruit the less staff for the customer service staff, telephone operators, and less sales staffs. Like the customers when makes a purchase online is one less using the companys telephone operators and salespeople. Product targeting and active targeting both are the very helpful for the company. Primark can be accomplished actively or passively on the Internet to make their any product targeting. For the company Active targeting for the product by their product targeting Product targeting is in the two different way like the Due to the further description of the 24 x 7 online shopping service is definitely very useful for the any company like MS, Next, Matalan, etc have the same selling hour like Primark but they are selling more product by providing online shopping service. Furthermore nowadays people are more busy and addicted to use the internet in their day- to- day life. The world Internet users are the 100% present day compare to the year 2000. (Internet world stats, 2009) Normally Primark is just getting the benefit of on-peak shoppers only because it does not have any online shopping service to provide their customers. With just the shopping hours the company is making very good volume of sales so think when the company launched their online shopping service it will be more beneficial for the company to increase the volume of sales. 2.2.2 Operational Management Benefits Better availability of Service which means conveniently allows customers to shop in their homes from anywhere online. More benefit of online shopping for the operational management is cost reduction in information processing like reduce the cost of processing and retrieving order and customer information. Better timeliness of service means online operations can offer customers 24-hour servicer for purchasing good and services. Initial cost of operation less expensive, basically the capital investment in e-commerce operation is considerably less than brick-and mortar operations. Improved product development by the ability to be online with research and development people from around the world can help to reduce the time-to -market for new products and the cost of their development. Improved scheduling which is help full to the business. The online ability to keep track of product or service activities allows schedulers to be more accurate and timely in scheduling and rescheduling prod uction activity, reducing costs (Heizer and Render 2001, p. 460; Laudon and Laudon 2002, pp.122-129; Kamarainen et al. 2001). 2.3 Disadvantages of online shopping service There are so many disadvantages of e commerce business for the consumers like, credit card fraud, products that Dont show well, Limit to the Market, Small companies unprepared for global selling and soon. According to Shim Anique (2000) Credit card number can be stolen by the disgruntled or criminal employee who has legitimate as well as illegitimate access to the company e-commerce system. There are so many disadvantageous of ecommerce possible capacity and bandwidth problems. Security issues are major concern for many consumers. Security issues and measures are expected to improve in coming years, through the use of media other than credit cards on the web, such as e-Wallet, e-cash and other payment systems, acceptance or digital signature, more widespread application and acceptance of encryption technology and greater awareness and understanding of customers concerns (Bidgoli, 2002b). The main disadvantageous for shoppers, in ranked order were ‘Availability; ‘Cant be in to receive delivery; ‘Premium charged for delivery; ‘Premium charged for delivery; and ‘Cant see or feel the merchandise.( Harris Dennis, 2002) 2.4 Marketing contribution to High turnover Introduce online shopping service Primark needs many promotional strategies for the promotion of new service. To attract the customers and to publish new service they need so many promotional strategies like direct marketing, Advertising, publicity, sales promotion, Exhibition and so on. Primark always focuses on low price high volume strategy to develop market. Specifically in this recession time, peoples also moves towards Primark low price value added products. To grab this opportunity they should have also low cost marketing strategy as well. In the modern world the Internet often becomes the best medium to communicate and search things around. As all competitors have Online shopping strategy they can easily grab the markets. Online shopping strategy helps to advertising the companys product. As a result of peoples awareness about internet and the young age groups tech savvy attitude, they can search their products, compare with others to make their orders online easily. 2.5 Market Share Value of Primark At present Primark is number one UK clothing retailer in high street. There are so many competitor of it like Topman, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, MS, Tesco, ASDA, Matalan Mango, TK Max and soon. Primark has moved a step closer to toppling Marks Spencer from the top spot in clothing market share, after its volume share leapt to 10.1% ( Ana, 2008). IMRG expects internet retail sales to increase by 15 per cent this year, with customers predicted to spend an estimated  £13.16bn online in the lead up to Christmas. A new record for internet sales volumes was set last Monday typically the biggest trading day of the week online although in keeping with the wider economic gloom, sales values were flat (Guardian, 2008). Growth for retail industry till year 2013 is weakens and steadies, First Research forecasts are based on INFORUM forecasts that are licensed from the Interindustry Economic Research Fund, Inc. (IERF) in College Park, MD. INFORUMs interindustry-macro approach to modelling the economy captures the links between industries and the aggregate economy ( Hoovers, 2009). Due to Hoovers, 2008 Primark business was -3% but in next coming year 2009 it is 1% less than the last year. For next coming three years it will be increased by nearly 4% continuously. In year 2013, the business of Primark will be increased their business by 4%. ADVANTAGES  · Business can be going on 24 x 7 days a year.  · Increase the number of sales volume  · Well managed store all the time  · Less staff recruitment.  · Increase the Profit because less money spends on training and development.  · Easy publicity of the product and name. DISADVANTAGES  · Less rash of people in store.  · Promotional things cannot be sell easily in particular stores.  · Customers are not feel that secure as store shopping.  · Chances of the fraud of credit cards and bank details can be effect the reputation of the company. Table 2 : Advantage Disadvantages of online shopping service at Primark CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter described the methodology used to address the research issue . A summary of the methodology is then presented to provide the platform for the research. The methodology best suited to achieve the research issue aim is then affirmed, alongside discussion on other methodologies and why they were not felt appropriate for utilization with this research issue. 3.1 Research Definition Research is not just a process of gathering information, as is sometimes suggested. Rather, it is about answering unanswered question or creating that which does not currently exist. Burns, (1994:2) defines research as ‘a systematic investigation to fins answers to problem. Bulmer (1977:5) states ‘Nevertheless sociological research , as research is primarily committed to established systematic, reliable and valid knowledge about the social world. Type of Research Research can be classified from three perspectives 1 application of the research study 2 objectives in undertaking the research 3 inquiry mode employed The researcher research is contain descriptive research type which is regarding the new service for the Primark company which has not any online shopping service. So the researcher will start new online shopping service at UK Primark. To finish this research the researcher need both kind of data qualitative data and quantitative data. And some of the data in both of categories contain primary data and secondary data. 3.2 What is the Qualitative and Quantitative research Academics confirmed that, in the main, two different research areas were distinguished: quantitative research, and qualitative research, (White, 2005; Saunders et al., 2007;Fisher, 2007). Quantitative research involved an objective way of studying things, whereas a qualitative approach assumed this was difficult and that the research was subjective, as the research issue clearly was in this instance. Distinctions between Quantitative and Qualitative data Quantitative data Qualitative data * Based on meaning derived from numbers * Collection results in numerical and standardised data * Analysis conducted through the use of diagrams and statistics * Based on meaning * Collection results in requiring classification * Analysis conducted through the use of concepetualisation Table 3 : Distinction between Quantitative data and Qualitative data sources Dey (1993)Harvey and Rawlinson (1994); authors experience, Adapted from Sunders M., Thornhill, Lewis, (2009) 3.3 Primary and secondary data Researchers usually start by gathering both the type of data Primary data and secondary data. But most probably first researcher would like to start collect the secondary data. The secondary data can easily available. According to Kotler, Armstrong, Wong Saunders, (2008) Secondary data consist of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Primary data consist of information collected for the specific purpose at hand. Secondary data can easily available because company can buy that from anywhere. It is provide good starting point for the research and also help to define research problem and objectives. Primary data need to make sure that it will be relevant , accurate, current and unbiased. Primary data collection calls for the number of decisions on research approaches, contact methods, sampling plan and research instruments. Secondary data is more quickly and available at lower cost than primary data. Sometimes the secondary data cannot be collect by the individual company on its own. Primary data include observation, survey and experiments which is relevant people, actions and situations. 3.4 Interview Technique The interview is a qualitative tool of collecting primary data. There are various kinds of conducting interviews such as in-depth interview, semi-structured interview, group focus interview, structured interview, elite interview, ethnographic interview and phenomenological interview. The interviewers can adjust and rearrange questions according to the flow of the conversation. Moreover, there are mainly two types of interviews that can be taken up any researcher which are telephone interviews and personal interviews. Telephone interviews are used extensively is low cost form of personal interviewing that can be used to obtain information quickly. Administration of this approach is easy and has less interview bias problem. However, there are no human interactions, which can lead to interviewer bias or careless behaviour. However, to some extent personal interviews are also been used along with telephonic interviews. We would be conducting semi structured interviews as it suits explora tory research design. 3.5 Qualitative Data The researcher find this all the qusalitative data of strengths weakness, opportunities and threats of Primark by visiting the stores and observing the behaviour of the customers and staff and the management. The SWOT of Primark is highlighted in the table below: STRENGTHS  · Most Primark stores are on high streets or shopping malls  · Prices are reasonable  · All stores have large trading space.  · Good interiors, decor and proper signage  · Experienced retailer for over more than 40 years in operation  · It provides recyclable eco-friendly bags  · Frequent locator and international coverage WEAKNESSES * No online shopping facility available. * Weak public relation campaigns * Shops crowded and services are not up to standard * Mismanagement of clothes and accessories * Dependent on suppliers * Less promotional activity for stores and company * Less number of fitting rooms OPPORTUNITIES  · Primark can introduce their own store card  · Have an automatic self scan area  · Introduce new section like kitchen range, fragrance etc  · Primark can introduce a refreshment area/cafeteria  · More advertisement and promotion; Tie up and links with various other shops  · Give more range for 35 years and upwards  · Can introduce variety supplier and talent  · Online shopping can also be introduced THREATS * Unethical practice may jeopardise sales * Price competition * Inflation recession (decline in consumer confidence/low disposable income) * Other store selling for like products e.g.: H M, Matalan, Tesco etc. Table 4 : Fieldwork Primark SWOT Analyse 3.6 Quantitative Data The researcher was fortunately able to arrange some interview with some of the Primark managers and customers. The interviews contained both negative and positive replies. However most of the responses were positive. 3.6.1 Managers questioner interview The below primary data shows what are the opinion of the managers about the online shopping service in UK Primark. All the managers have similar view about this innovation skip to some of them. They are appreciating this innovation. The researcher was arrange 8 interviews with different different Primark managers like Lakeside, Watford, Harrow, Oxford street, Hammersmith. Interviews with the managers give the following responds to the researcher: The first part of the mangers interview questioner is (q1,q2,q3)give the idea about how much they are popular in the market. Averagely their is 10000 to 15000 people visit the store on a day to day basis. And the average spend per person is nearly  £10 to  £12. Second part of the managers interview questions (q4,q5) give the information about the company profit how much profit they are making ob year on year, their profit 112% on annual budget since inception 2006. In this credit crunch situation market is facing trouble but still Primark is increasing their profit on same level. Furthermore the third part of the managers interview questions (q6, q7) provides the details about competitors of Primark in the market. Due to the market situation Primark is the most famous retailers for like for like sales. According to all the managers opinion, competitors are New look, BHs, MS, ASDA, Tesco and so on. Primark also prove itself as own their original Moto ‘Look Good, Pay Less. So many managers says that the Primark is the only one place where people can just get scoks for  £2, pair of Mens jeans for  £8, and lots of thing people can find for very cheap price at Primark. Even whenever you pass though the high street you can see that most of the people hold Primark bags. Last part of the managers interview questions is part four(q8,q9), which is give us the information about the feasibility vice the online shopping service is good for the company or not. According to my all the 6 interviews with the managers like supervisor managers to HR managers. 70% response for the online shopping service UK Primark is positive, but 30% said that the company is not that much able to introduce the online shopping service. Furthermore interview with the managers showed that Primark is likely to benefit from the introduction of an online shopping service for their customers. Because the company can save the money and can make the money by introducing the online shopping service. Different ways to save the money due to the managers like the need less staff inside the store to manage the store clean and tide-up. Another reason is they need less HR expenses like less training, recruitment and soon. Primark can run their business for 24 hours, and make more money with fewer resources. 3.6.1 The second questioners survey of Customers The researcher did the survey of 50 people from the different part of the London. Thus survey also divided in two different groups Male and Female. Like Harrow, Hammersmith, Hayes, Uxbridge, Ilford and soon. The researcher was make 10 number of questions for the customers to get the positive or negative response to his/ her research. Each questions gives positive answer to the researcher just skip to the some. Furthermore, the researcher get the reply with the Q1, is about how frequently the customers are visiting the Primark, and the answer is positivistic and 100%. To added some more, all most people visiting a Primark ones a month but some people who are visiting Primark more than one it means they visit Primark twice , thrice and fourth. Going towards Q2, which give the ideas about people are shopping from the Primark is planned or unplanned? The response to this question is neutral like 24 people said it is unplanned shopping and 26 said it is planned shopping. The third question also gives the common opinion of the people about with whom they would like to visit the Primark. The researcher gets variety of answers in different kind of options like friends, family alone, others. According to the response most of the people prefer to visit the Primark with friends the survey gives number out of 50 people 24 prefer to visit the Primark with the friends. Second highest number for the fami ly which is 12. At last very less people prefer to Feasibility of Online Shopping in UK Primark Feasibility of Online Shopping in UK Primark Abstract The purpose of this research is to study the online shopping in UK clothing retail market, and how it will be helpful to the researcher to get the idea about the feasibility of Primark online shopping service. The research is divided in 5 chapters each chapter gives the reader some idea about online shopping and how it will be beneficial for the company and the consumer. Moreover, the researcher uses this chapter to explain his/her point of view by taking individual chapter. Each chapter has many sub divisions. The researcher plan her research on typical system like chapter vies start from introduction, literature review, methodology, implementation calculation and last conclusion. In this techno savvy world people are using the technology in their day to day life. Sometimes they are using directly and sometimes indirectly but now the situation is like that the person must have use the technology to make their life luxurious. The researcher writes about ecommerce, its advantages and disadvantages. In methodology, the researcher use the both type of data qualitative and quantitative. In quantitative the researcher collects both type of primary and secondary data by using interview and survey. The aim of the research is how Primark can increase its sell in this competitive market. And online shopping market is very strong in UK. Furthermore how the online shopping will be change the stores situation and what are the changes the company will get. 1. INTRODUCTION The researcher doing t CHAPTER 1 1.1. WHAT IS PRIMARK? Primark Stores Limited is an Irish clothing retailer. Its stores are located in various regions like United Kingdom, Ireland, and Spain. Within this area of responsibility, Primark stores outnumbered other clothing retailer business, with one hundred sixty one stores overall distributed in three major regions: one hundred twenty-five in the United Kingdom. The company positions itself as marketing fashionable at cutthroat prices. Primark is known for selling clothes at the budget end of the market. Its success is based on sourcing supply, making clothes with simple designs and fabrics and targets young, fashion-conscious individuals ages 35 below, offering them simple yet high quality clothes and apparels. The relevance of global trends and consumers demands on lifestyle made Primark Store Limited reinvent its business scheme and management structure. From the first penny store in Ireland to the latest flagship store in Liverpool, the Primark story has been one of continuing success founded on a unique combination and lean operations. Primark was opened their first Penney store in Mary Street Dublin in June 1969. During the one year time they added four more stores in Dublin. After continues success in Dublin, in next three year 1971, Primark opened their first store outside the Dublin in Cork and end of that year there were 11 more stores in Ireland and one in Northern Ireland. Furthermore, in 1973, the number of stores had reached 18 in Ireland and Primark Began trading in Great Britain with four out of-town stores. The following year saw the opening of the first UK high street store in Derby and Bristol. In ten more years Primark increase the number of stores in UK and Ireland both like 18 new store added in UK and 9 stores in in Ireland. And the management also expanded the number of the stores in UK and Ireland to 22 stores each. The most innovating thing of Primark was in ten years duration from 1984 to 1994 a further Like most of the Primark stores in high street so it is beneficial to them. Primark has so many strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Like 40 years experienced retailer, reasonable price seller of clothes, eco friendly carrier bags etc. Primark has so many weaknesses, weak public relationship, leak of services, no online facility for shopping. For promotional development Primark can introduce their own store cards, Self scan area and soon. Due to competitive market Primark provide cheapest clothes to customers. Its create threat for Primark to stay in these market. LIST OF STORE LOCATION IN LONDON Basildon Kingston-Upon-Thames Basingstoke Lewisham, Bedford Leytonstone, Bexleyheath London Brighton, Luton Bromley Maidstone Camberley Margate, Chatham Norwich Crawley Oxford Croydon Peckham Dartford Reading, Ealing Romford Eastbourne Slough, Eastham Southend Gravesend Stevenage Hackney Sutton Hammersmith Thurrock Harlow Tooting Harrow Watford Hemel Hempstead Wandsworth Hounslow Wembley Ipswich Woking Kilburn, Woolwich Table 1: Field work Primark store location in London Primark stores a privately held subsidiary of Associated British Foods, Is involved in opening departmental store. It owns and operated 188 departmental stores that provide products such as women wear, children wear, menswear, footwear, accessories, The children market in Britain is worth  £4.5bn. Five years ago, Primark had a 2.8% market share. By 2006 this had risen 5.4% and in 2007 to 6.2% this now places Primark fourth in terms of market share. (Sutherland Canwall, 2008) What is e-commerce? 1.2 Aim The researcher aim to do this research to increase the volume of sales at present Primark is leading clothing retailer in UK. Furthermore according to this techno savvy world, and to compete the all competitors Primark also have to be go ahead with some new innovation with them. 1.3 Objectives 1. To explore how online shopping can benefit Primark and boost its sales. 2. To calculate, agree and plan for the necessary resources for this project 3. To investigate the market for online shopping service in the UK competitors market. 4. To identify new segment to increase the market share CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. ONLINE SHOPPING SERVICE The researcher wants to introduce new direct marketing strategy for Primark to increase the sales volume. Like other competitors, Primark does not have an online shopping facility. In this day and age of technological advancement, it becomes very essential for any organisation to establish oneself in the field of e-commerce. The researcher has found a gap in the market for such a technological need and would like to introduce a promotional strategy for the companys growth in this high tech savvy world. The e-commerce can be defined as a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organization, merchants and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery, by using Internet (Goal, 2007). According to Varley, (2006), since the start of the new millennium, shopping via a computer has moved from the something indulged by a niche market to commonplace activity amongst the population masses. Furthermore the n ew internet world provide the retail industry with a new and exciting way of enticing consumer to purchase the product from the comfort from their available place like from home, office or anywhere they can access the ‘virtual world. In fact in recent developments in personal mobile communications industry would suggest that before long we will be able to go shopping literally anywhere at any time. Since the more improvement in the online shopping service is providing more and more luxurious service day by day so the the home delivery option alongside stores as the retail industry has developed. According to Fletcher, Bell McNaughton, (2004) e-commerce involves electronically medicated exchanges with customers. According to Rosen, (2002). Electronic commerce or â€Å"e-commerce† covers the range of online business activities for products and services, both business-to-business and business-to-customers, through the Internet. E-commerce breaks into two components: On the other hand side online auction is straightforward yet revolutionary business concept. Brokage business model, auctions bring the buyers and sellers together in a virtual marketplace. ( Bidgoli, 2002)  · Online Shopping: The scope of information and activities that provides customers with the information to conduct business with you and to make informed buying decisions.  · Online Purchasing: The technology infrastructure for the exchange of data and the purchase of the product over the Internet. Online purchasing is a metaphor used in business-to-business e-commerce for providing customers with an online method of placing orders, submitting purchase orders, or requesting quotes ( Rosen, 2002) Estimates vary as to the size of the business-to-consumer e-commerce market. The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that the total purchases made over the web were $10 billion in 1997 and will be more than $220 billion in 2001 (Oliveria, Amorim and Vilao, 1999). These large s are put in a wider context by KPMG (1999) which reports that, â€Å"Direct sales are 5% of retail sales in the UK and 4#% in the US. Of this total, 16% US home sales and 1% of UK home sales are electronic.† Forrester Research (Tagliabue, 1999) whose 1999 research showed Selling goods and services online is also called ecommerce. Popular ecommerce Web sites include and eBay, yahoo shopping, etoys, the met store , smart shopper and so on. Ecommerce is not the sole province of large companies, however; many small businesses have found considerable success selling on the Internet. Like this research content the use of the technology so the researcher would like to discuss about e-commerce service, Electronic commerce or ecommerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, that involves the transfer of information across the Internet. The e-commerce can be defined as a modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organization, merchants and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery, by using Internet (Goal, 2007). According to Forrester Research at, the European online retail market is expected to grow from Euro 40 billion in 2004 to Euro 167 billion by 2009 (Forrester, 2006) Cited in (Burdick, Coakley Richardson, 2006)). And what are the benefits of e-commerce service? But basically the people knows each and every coin has two side so when you get some benefits from the ecommerce on the other hand side you get some disadvantages of the ecommerce as well. Moreover, with the help of online shopping service people can save their time for the shopping, online shopping service is very flexible you can use it anytime. In the opposite side you cannot touch and feel it you cant get it immediately first you pass through the very long process of ordering and after some days limitation like after four days delivery or one week delivery your get you stuff. But nowadays the most of the market work with the online shopping service like all the clothing stores provide Online shopping service. For example MS, Next, Topshop, Matalan, Monsoon, and soon. These all the clothing company has very high share market value in the market and very huge turn over in the market as well. According to the issue published in The Guardian, (2007), The weather also effect the shopping from the store and the online like the number shows how much it effect the market online market sales. In July 2007, because of the wet weather the sales increased by  £4bn in a month for the first time at  £4.2bn up from  £2.3bn in July a year ago according to the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG). 2.2 PRIMARK ONLINE SHOPPING SERVICE (STRATEGY) ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Every new thing has its own pros and cons like online shopping service is advantageous as much as disadvantageous for the Primark. First the researcher would like to discuss the advantages of the online shopping service at Primark. According to the competitor of Primarks are MS, Matalan, Topshop, Next and so on. All of the competitors are providing very good and fast online shopping service for their customers. 2.2.1 Business Benefits According to the Rosen, (2002), by providing your customers with 24 hour-a-day,7-day-a-week (24 x 7) access to information, you can support sales, in some cases shorten the sales cycle, and cut your administrative costs, since customers have access to information when they want it. Some people believe that shown that FAQs on an online shopping site give customers a better idea of companys product and help them feel more comfortable making the decision to buy. E-commerce is a great way to get the business of these off- peak shoppers. For a very small amount of money, a company can have its â€Å"cyber-shop† open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Savings on customers service staff, savings on telephone operators and sales people, instant update of catalogues and prices, product targeting, active targeting , passive targeting, better overhead and inventory control, worldwide visibility, attractive option for the physically challenged (Shim, 2000). Further all the advantageous strategy for the any company who introduce their online shopping service. With the Internet reaching all corner of the world so by introducing the online shopping service Primark can be reach all around the world. Actually they can advertise themselves globally for very small price. When the online shopping service the company proved they give the all the detailed description of the products so the Primark have to be recruit the less staff for the customer service staff, telephone operators, and less sales staffs. Like the customers when makes a purchase online is one less using the companys telephone operators and salespeople. Product targeting and active targeting both are the very helpful for the company. Primark can be accomplished actively or passively on the Internet to make their any product targeting. For the company Active targeting for the product by their product targeting Product targeting is in the two different way like the Due to the further description of the 24 x 7 online shopping service is definitely very useful for the any company like MS, Next, Matalan, etc have the same selling hour like Primark but they are selling more product by providing online shopping service. Furthermore nowadays people are more busy and addicted to use the internet in their day- to- day life. The world Internet users are the 100% present day compare to the year 2000. (Internet world stats, 2009) Normally Primark is just getting the benefit of on-peak shoppers only because it does not have any online shopping service to provide their customers. With just the shopping hours the company is making very good volume of sales so think when the company launched their online shopping service it will be more beneficial for the company to increase the volume of sales. 2.2.2 Operational Management Benefits Better availability of Service which means conveniently allows customers to shop in their homes from anywhere online. More benefit of online shopping for the operational management is cost reduction in information processing like reduce the cost of processing and retrieving order and customer information. Better timeliness of service means online operations can offer customers 24-hour servicer for purchasing good and services. Initial cost of operation less expensive, basically the capital investment in e-commerce operation is considerably less than brick-and mortar operations. Improved product development by the ability to be online with research and development people from around the world can help to reduce the time-to -market for new products and the cost of their development. Improved scheduling which is help full to the business. The online ability to keep track of product or service activities allows schedulers to be more accurate and timely in scheduling and rescheduling prod uction activity, reducing costs (Heizer and Render 2001, p. 460; Laudon and Laudon 2002, pp.122-129; Kamarainen et al. 2001). 2.3 Disadvantages of online shopping service There are so many disadvantages of e commerce business for the consumers like, credit card fraud, products that Dont show well, Limit to the Market, Small companies unprepared for global selling and soon. According to Shim Anique (2000) Credit card number can be stolen by the disgruntled or criminal employee who has legitimate as well as illegitimate access to the company e-commerce system. There are so many disadvantageous of ecommerce possible capacity and bandwidth problems. Security issues are major concern for many consumers. Security issues and measures are expected to improve in coming years, through the use of media other than credit cards on the web, such as e-Wallet, e-cash and other payment systems, acceptance or digital signature, more widespread application and acceptance of encryption technology and greater awareness and understanding of customers concerns (Bidgoli, 2002b). The main disadvantageous for shoppers, in ranked order were ‘Availability; ‘Cant be in to receive delivery; ‘Premium charged for delivery; ‘Premium charged for delivery; and ‘Cant see or feel the merchandise.( Harris Dennis, 2002) 2.4 Marketing contribution to High turnover Introduce online shopping service Primark needs many promotional strategies for the promotion of new service. To attract the customers and to publish new service they need so many promotional strategies like direct marketing, Advertising, publicity, sales promotion, Exhibition and so on. Primark always focuses on low price high volume strategy to develop market. Specifically in this recession time, peoples also moves towards Primark low price value added products. To grab this opportunity they should have also low cost marketing strategy as well. In the modern world the Internet often becomes the best medium to communicate and search things around. As all competitors have Online shopping strategy they can easily grab the markets. Online shopping strategy helps to advertising the companys product. As a result of peoples awareness about internet and the young age groups tech savvy attitude, they can search their products, compare with others to make their orders online easily. 2.5 Market Share Value of Primark At present Primark is number one UK clothing retailer in high street. There are so many competitor of it like Topman, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, MS, Tesco, ASDA, Matalan Mango, TK Max and soon. Primark has moved a step closer to toppling Marks Spencer from the top spot in clothing market share, after its volume share leapt to 10.1% ( Ana, 2008). IMRG expects internet retail sales to increase by 15 per cent this year, with customers predicted to spend an estimated  £13.16bn online in the lead up to Christmas. A new record for internet sales volumes was set last Monday typically the biggest trading day of the week online although in keeping with the wider economic gloom, sales values were flat (Guardian, 2008). Growth for retail industry till year 2013 is weakens and steadies, First Research forecasts are based on INFORUM forecasts that are licensed from the Interindustry Economic Research Fund, Inc. (IERF) in College Park, MD. INFORUMs interindustry-macro approach to modelling the economy captures the links between industries and the aggregate economy ( Hoovers, 2009). Due to Hoovers, 2008 Primark business was -3% but in next coming year 2009 it is 1% less than the last year. For next coming three years it will be increased by nearly 4% continuously. In year 2013, the business of Primark will be increased their business by 4%. ADVANTAGES  · Business can be going on 24 x 7 days a year.  · Increase the number of sales volume  · Well managed store all the time  · Less staff recruitment.  · Increase the Profit because less money spends on training and development.  · Easy publicity of the product and name. DISADVANTAGES  · Less rash of people in store.  · Promotional things cannot be sell easily in particular stores.  · Customers are not feel that secure as store shopping.  · Chances of the fraud of credit cards and bank details can be effect the reputation of the company. Table 2 : Advantage Disadvantages of online shopping service at Primark CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter described the methodology used to address the research issue . A summary of the methodology is then presented to provide the platform for the research. The methodology best suited to achieve the research issue aim is then affirmed, alongside discussion on other methodologies and why they were not felt appropriate for utilization with this research issue. 3.1 Research Definition Research is not just a process of gathering information, as is sometimes suggested. Rather, it is about answering unanswered question or creating that which does not currently exist. Burns, (1994:2) defines research as ‘a systematic investigation to fins answers to problem. Bulmer (1977:5) states ‘Nevertheless sociological research , as research is primarily committed to established systematic, reliable and valid knowledge about the social world. Type of Research Research can be classified from three perspectives 1 application of the research study 2 objectives in undertaking the research 3 inquiry mode employed The researcher research is contain descriptive research type which is regarding the new service for the Primark company which has not any online shopping service. So the researcher will start new online shopping service at UK Primark. To finish this research the researcher need both kind of data qualitative data and quantitative data. And some of the data in both of categories contain primary data and secondary data. 3.2 What is the Qualitative and Quantitative research Academics confirmed that, in the main, two different research areas were distinguished: quantitative research, and qualitative research, (White, 2005; Saunders et al., 2007;Fisher, 2007). Quantitative research involved an objective way of studying things, whereas a qualitative approach assumed this was difficult and that the research was subjective, as the research issue clearly was in this instance. Distinctions between Quantitative and Qualitative data Quantitative data Qualitative data * Based on meaning derived from numbers * Collection results in numerical and standardised data * Analysis conducted through the use of diagrams and statistics * Based on meaning * Collection results in requiring classification * Analysis conducted through the use of concepetualisation Table 3 : Distinction between Quantitative data and Qualitative data sources Dey (1993)Harvey and Rawlinson (1994); authors experience, Adapted from Sunders M., Thornhill, Lewis, (2009) 3.3 Primary and secondary data Researchers usually start by gathering both the type of data Primary data and secondary data. But most probably first researcher would like to start collect the secondary data. The secondary data can easily available. According to Kotler, Armstrong, Wong Saunders, (2008) Secondary data consist of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Primary data consist of information collected for the specific purpose at hand. Secondary data can easily available because company can buy that from anywhere. It is provide good starting point for the research and also help to define research problem and objectives. Primary data need to make sure that it will be relevant , accurate, current and unbiased. Primary data collection calls for the number of decisions on research approaches, contact methods, sampling plan and research instruments. Secondary data is more quickly and available at lower cost than primary data. Sometimes the secondary data cannot be collect by the individual company on its own. Primary data include observation, survey and experiments which is relevant people, actions and situations. 3.4 Interview Technique The interview is a qualitative tool of collecting primary data. There are various kinds of conducting interviews such as in-depth interview, semi-structured interview, group focus interview, structured interview, elite interview, ethnographic interview and phenomenological interview. The interviewers can adjust and rearrange questions according to the flow of the conversation. Moreover, there are mainly two types of interviews that can be taken up any researcher which are telephone interviews and personal interviews. Telephone interviews are used extensively is low cost form of personal interviewing that can be used to obtain information quickly. Administration of this approach is easy and has less interview bias problem. However, there are no human interactions, which can lead to interviewer bias or careless behaviour. However, to some extent personal interviews are also been used along with telephonic interviews. We would be conducting semi structured interviews as it suits explora tory research design. 3.5 Qualitative Data The researcher find this all the qusalitative data of strengths weakness, opportunities and threats of Primark by visiting the stores and observing the behaviour of the customers and staff and the management. The SWOT of Primark is highlighted in the table below: STRENGTHS  · Most Primark stores are on high streets or shopping malls  · Prices are reasonable  · All stores have large trading space.  · Good interiors, decor and proper signage  · Experienced retailer for over more than 40 years in operation  · It provides recyclable eco-friendly bags  · Frequent locator and international coverage WEAKNESSES * No online shopping facility available. * Weak public relation campaigns * Shops crowded and services are not up to standard * Mismanagement of clothes and accessories * Dependent on suppliers * Less promotional activity for stores and company * Less number of fitting rooms OPPORTUNITIES  · Primark can introduce their own store card  · Have an automatic self scan area  · Introduce new section like kitchen range, fragrance etc  · Primark can introduce a refreshment area/cafeteria  · More advertisement and promotion; Tie up and links with various other shops  · Give more range for 35 years and upwards  · Can introduce variety supplier and talent  · Online shopping can also be introduced THREATS * Unethical practice may jeopardise sales * Price competition * Inflation recession (decline in consumer confidence/low disposable income) * Other store selling for like products e.g.: H M, Matalan, Tesco etc. Table 4 : Fieldwork Primark SWOT Analyse 3.6 Quantitative Data The researcher was fortunately able to arrange some interview with some of the Primark managers and customers. The interviews contained both negative and positive replies. However most of the responses were positive. 3.6.1 Managers questioner interview The below primary data shows what are the opinion of the managers about the online shopping service in UK Primark. All the managers have similar view about this innovation skip to some of them. They are appreciating this innovation. The researcher was arrange 8 interviews with different different Primark managers like Lakeside, Watford, Harrow, Oxford street, Hammersmith. Interviews with the managers give the following responds to the researcher: The first part of the mangers interview questioner is (q1,q2,q3)give the idea about how much they are popular in the market. Averagely their is 10000 to 15000 people visit the store on a day to day basis. And the average spend per person is nearly  £10 to  £12. Second part of the managers interview questions (q4,q5) give the information about the company profit how much profit they are making ob year on year, their profit 112% on annual budget since inception 2006. In this credit crunch situation market is facing trouble but still Primark is increasing their profit on same level. Furthermore the third part of the managers interview questions (q6, q7) provides the details about competitors of Primark in the market. Due to the market situation Primark is the most famous retailers for like for like sales. According to all the managers opinion, competitors are New look, BHs, MS, ASDA, Tesco and so on. Primark also prove itself as own their original Moto ‘Look Good, Pay Less. So many managers says that the Primark is the only one place where people can just get scoks for  £2, pair of Mens jeans for  £8, and lots of thing people can find for very cheap price at Primark. Even whenever you pass though the high street you can see that most of the people hold Primark bags. Last part of the managers interview questions is part four(q8,q9), which is give us the information about the feasibility vice the online shopping service is good for the company or not. According to my all the 6 interviews with the managers like supervisor managers to HR managers. 70% response for the online shopping service UK Primark is positive, but 30% said that the company is not that much able to introduce the online shopping service. Furthermore interview with the managers showed that Primark is likely to benefit from the introduction of an online shopping service for their customers. Because the company can save the money and can make the money by introducing the online shopping service. Different ways to save the money due to the managers like the need less staff inside the store to manage the store clean and tide-up. Another reason is they need less HR expenses like less training, recruitment and soon. Primark can run their business for 24 hours, and make more money with fewer resources. 3.6.1 The second questioners survey of Customers The researcher did the survey of 50 people from the different part of the London. Thus survey also divided in two different groups Male and Female. Like Harrow, Hammersmith, Hayes, Uxbridge, Ilford and soon. The researcher was make 10 number of questions for the customers to get the positive or negative response to his/ her research. Each questions gives positive answer to the researcher just skip to the some. Furthermore, the researcher get the reply with the Q1, is about how frequently the customers are visiting the Primark, and the answer is positivistic and 100%. To added some more, all most people visiting a Primark ones a month but some people who are visiting Primark more than one it means they visit Primark twice , thrice and fourth. Going towards Q2, which give the ideas about people are shopping from the Primark is planned or unplanned? The response to this question is neutral like 24 people said it is unplanned shopping and 26 said it is planned shopping. The third question also gives the common opinion of the people about with whom they would like to visit the Primark. The researcher gets variety of answers in different kind of options like friends, family alone, others. According to the response most of the people prefer to visit the Primark with friends the survey gives number out of 50 people 24 prefer to visit the Primark with the friends. Second highest number for the fami ly which is 12. At last very less people prefer to