Saturday, December 28, 2019

An Age Of Creativity And Innovation - 1834 Words

The 1920’s and 30’s were an age of creativity and innovation. New improvements were especially common in the art of film-making. Animation in film was introduced. Walt Disney, through his innovations in color, realistic designs, and use of sound, revolutionized the motion picture animation industry. Walter Disney was born December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, to Elias and Flora Disney. He had four older brothers, Herbert, Raymond and Roy, and a younger sister, Ruth. The Disney family moved to a farm near the small town of Marceline, Missouri, when Walt was four years old. Walt started drawing as a very young boy, often getting him into some kind of trouble. His family was on the move again, and made their new home in Kansas City in†¦show more content†¦The war ended before he could get to France, but Walt was still sent overseas to aid in the occupation. While in France, Walt continued drawing on any surface he could. He returned to Chicago October 11, 1919. (Gabbler 9-11, 29-39; Barrier 9, 17-23) Walt’s father, Elias had lived a hardworking life, entailing much physical labor. Walt wanted no part of it. Soon, Walt returned to Chicago, and moved in with his brothers in Kansas City. He applied for a job at the Star, the local newspaper that he had delivered for as a boy, but was rejected. Walt then tried for an apprenticeship with Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Studio and was hired. The job lasted for only a month. After getting laid off, Walt went into business with Ub Iwerks, who had also worked for Pesmen-Rubin. Their small firm made around $135 the first month, working out of a garage full of drawing boards and airbrushes. Later, Walt accepted a job for Kansas City Film Ad while Iwerks stayed with Iwerks-Disney. However, Iwerks-Disney quickly fizzled, as Iwerks was unable to run the business by himself. â€Å"†¦the equivalent of today’s television commercials. Disney dated the start of his career in motion pictures t o February 1920, the month he became a Film Ad employee.† (Barrier 25) Film Ad’s animation style used cut-out figures that had manipulative joints and series of pictures would be taken, the cut-out moving a little bit each time. This method was obviously different

Friday, December 20, 2019

Raising Children in a Homosexual Household Does it affect...

In today’s society, family structure has changed dramatically from the traditional nuclear family to the unconventional, such as single parenting or same sex families. Over the years, many individuals questioned whether or not a parent’s sexual orientation affected their child’s sexual preference. There is significant research that has shown that children with lesbian parents do not differ from children with heterosexual parents. Many individuals stated that it is the value of the parent’s relationship with the child and not the parent’s sexual orientation that affects the child’s development. Contrary to the popular belief, children raised by lesbian parents are not more likely to become gay than children who are raised by heterosexual†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, it states that all children go through specific stages as their brain matures. It also stated that these stage s are completed in a fixed order within all children, according to their range of age (Atherton).† In other words, one cannot expect a two month old baby to solve simple math problems as that of a five year old. There are four stages in which Piaget grouped the development of a child according to their age groups, in which children interact with people and their environment. The sensorimotor stage (birth until age 2) children use their senses to explore their environment. During this stage, children learn how to control objects, although they fail to understand that these objects if not within their view continue to exist. The preoperational stage (2 until age 7) children are not able to see others viewpoints other than their own. In other words, if the same amount of water is poured into a short wide glass and then a tall thin glass the child will perceive that the taller glass has more water because of the height. The concrete operational stage (7 until 12) children begin to think logically, but only with a practical aid. The last stage of Piaget’s cognitive theory is the formal operation stage (12 through adulthood) in which children develop abstract thinking and begin to think logically in their minds (Piaget). With this in mind, one can conclude that children raised inShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Same-Sex Marriage1533 Words   |  6 Pagesor not. We now have to consider two aspects that are moral and religious. These two form a fundamental belief that same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples are different. Based on the definition of marriage, the view of religion, bad effects to children, and the lifestyle that should not be encouraged; therefore, the government should not legalize the same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is also used as a synonym for gay marriage. It is the union between two people of the same sex in a maritalRead MoreGay Parenting Essay939 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough homosexual marriage is not allowed in some states, the anatomy of the person, whether male or female, hardly allows them to reproduce without sperm or ovaries. Since gays are not capable of reproducing, then adoption is their next option or sperm donors. The big controversy is whether or not homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children or whether the â€Å"step-parent,† which is actually the co-partner, can adopt the birth mother’s child. Adoption is another route for the children who wereRead MoreSame Sex Parenting and Children Essay1639 Words   |  7 Pagesissues. This form of relation may affect the welfare of a child’s upbringing. The prospect of a nontraditional upbringing in a same-sex partnership, or marriage ought to be a problem when raising children. Some feel t hat there is no real negative influence that this form of parenting has on a child. Politics has raised concern, but there is a limited amount of research in this area to corroborate this concern. Should same-sex marriage be an issue when raising children? Some states such as MassachusettsRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1418 Words   |  6 Pagesincreasingly more debatable throughout time. America has been said to be the â€Å"land of the free,† but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that. If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would develop, and it would positively affect the economy and tax revenues. In 1993, the first national debate was made in regards to same-sex marriage, whichRead MoreStigma, Facts And Solutions : Raising Same Sex Families1346 Words   |  6 PagesSolutions: Raising Same-sex families. Stigma Social stigma against homosexuals is a common experience for those raising children in same-sex families. Although gay rights have improved and a generally more inclusive environment is present there are still many who treat homosexuals as mentally ill deviants (McCabe, 2012). Even with gay right improvements there is still debate surrounding bringing children into these environments. Current discourses assume that same-sex families will negatively affect theRead MoreThe Fosters Is A T.v958 Words   |  4 PagesStef, that are raising five teenage children. One of the kids is Stef’s real son Brandon, and Jesus Mariana, Jude are adopted by Stef and Lena, and Callie is a foster child living with them. Throughout the show we see the family go through everyday struggles of a real family, but at the end of the day everyone is there for each other. Parents are suppose to supply their children with love, support, and teach them skills so they could grow to become their own person. The Fosters does an excellentRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words   |  6 Pagescouples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay† parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S† (Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agencies because most kids end up with gay couples, Gay couples are more likelyRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words   |  6 Pagescouples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay† pa rent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†Ã¢â‚¬â€¹There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S† (Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agencies because most kids end up with gay couples, Gay couples are more likelyRead MoreSame Sex Marriages Have Different Laws1523 Words   |  7 Pagesand social development of children in lesbian-mother families and the quality of the relationship between the mother and the child. It will also focus on the social and academic effects same-sex couples have on children. Same sex relationships do not cause a child to question their sexual identity nor does the quality of the relationship between the mothers an child from a same sex relationship differ from children from a heterosexual family. Many argue that children from same-sex marriages haveRead MoreDecline of the Traditional American Family: Homosexual Parents1246 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿RS-151 Final Paper Decline of the Traditional American Family: Homosexual Parents The conception that lesbians and gay men may be parents is frequently perceived in today s society as impossible or immoral. Gay men and lesbians are often viewed as excluded from having children because sexual reproduction is related to men and women couples only. My approach to this uniquely controversial topic of gay parenting will be that of attempting to analyze the pro side. Gays and lesbians are

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lack of Funding for the Arts Essay Example For Students

Lack of Funding for the Arts Essay In recent times, the economy has plummeted at a horrific rate, We can see it in our everyday life, from how much our produce costs to the price we pay for gas But one thing that eve may not see until its to late is the damage caused by the funding cuts for the arts programs and education in America. In addition to impeding American childrens educational and moral development, We revert to a poor cultural quality by lowering our standards of arts education due to the poor economic condition Of our nation. Even though this should be one Of the more important programs for our governments Department of Education o devote their time and efforts to, it has been severely neglected. In February of 2010, 300 teachers of the Des Monies Public School system were notified that they would no longer be needed to teach their subjects in the following school year. The positions that were cut due to the downsizing of the schools faculty were mostly those that taught art, music, and physical education. The reasoning behind this drastic measure taken by the Des Monies Public School system, says TM. Yell Woods, Chief of Staff of Student Affairs at Des Monies Public Schools, is to preserve core classes. This argument is entirely logical; however, it fails to acknowledge the necessity tooth arts in the lives of Americas younger generation (KICK). Domed 2 Those behind the educational budgeting have greatly underestimated the wealth of skills that teaching our children to learn such musical skills as simple as playing the piano can afford them. In an issue brief given by The Economic Technology Policy Studies department of the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices titled The Impact of Arts Education on Workforce Preparation, they state various ways that the incorporation of the arts in education can improve Americas childrens skills. The basic skills they present are; better oral communication, better reading and understanding of the material, and enhanced writing skills. According to this publication, higher-order skills that the arts Offer adolescents are; better decision making creative and innovative thinking, also sweater and problem solving. (http://womb. Nag. Org) In a study conducted by a research team, a group Of children Who received piano keyboard lessons were compared against a group of children who received computer lessons as well as a control group. The results of the explorations tests that were administered to these children after training showed a significant improvement in only the group of children who received piano keyboard lessons. The team then deduced that music training produces long-term modifications in underlying neural circuitry in regions not primarily concerned with music and that an improvement of the magnitude reported may enhance the learning of standard curricula, such as mathematics and science, that draw heavily on spatial-temporal reasoning. This study gave scientific evidence of the real value sic carries in the education to children (Earaches). The skills that the arts bring people as a society are irreplaceable and the benefits Domed 3 that they give us cannot be obtained by any other form of activity. So by depriving our children of this necessary form of mental stimulation, they are also being deprived of ways for their minds to grow to their full capacity. It hardly seems rational for our government to remove the arts from our childrens curriculum. Our government allots 16% of the national budget towards education while Offering to welfare programs. Logically, the education Of our younger generation should take precedence over the unrecognized, unjust, and inefficient welfare system. However, there is an array Of opinions concerning this topic of our national budgeting. Http://www. Superintendences. Com) In todays society the value Of the arts has been diminished and dwindled significantly. In civilized history, art, drama. And dance were cornerstones in any cultured persons education. Bach, Van Gogh, Ad Vinci, Mozart, Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens are all pioneers of our cultural richness and helped to shape mankind views on life, love, and every human emotion. But today one cannot find anything even remotely close to the amazing minds of our predecessors. Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol Frees Charl EssayIn the midst of this art education catastrophe, organizations such as PHss Ease the Music foundation hue saved many schools from sinking in the weight of budget cuts. A story of the success this program had was when, in 2006, the foundation gave a grant Of band instruments to Elizabeth Hall International Elementary School for their music program. Three years after the school received the grant the schools music teacher wrote the PHss Save the Music Foundation to thank them for their help, and tell them about a child who especially benefited from their efforts. Sarah is a fifth grader who has a very difficult life at home, a life that involves being juggled from household to household, and living below the poverty line. She is identified as a student at risk of dropping out of school and not achieving to her potential. Because her school now has a music program, Sarah not only had the opportunity to learn to play the alto saxophone, but also develop informant skills tort school and elite. Sarahs excitement tort learning an instrument motivates her to work hard in all of her school subjects. The use of hard work and dedication she has learned through practicing her instrument has transferred to her perseverance and focus for other subjects in school, Sarah is just one of many students I Domed 7 could say the same about at Hall. I know band is enriching and in some cases saving their lives and is having a profound impact. Writes the teacher in her thank you letter. In Minneapolis schools alone the foundation has provided the schools with $225,000 worth of instruments to help the children learn. (VHF) Another way for schools to succeed is for the administrators to pursue grants from various places. There are a few different Vass for their schools to apply for them, one Of them being on a State level. Organizations such as the San Francisco Grants for the Arts exist solely for the purpose of keeping alive the culture the arts afford the area and nation. There are also grants on a national bevel, such as the National Endowment for the Arts. In addition to these private organizations, companies such as VHF have applications for grants to fund musical education. In Hawaii, we have The Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts who provide grants through the HAUSA Biennium Grant Program. 15 grants were awarded through this program, a grand total of SSL Their grants support arts education, art in the community, heritage preservation, presentation and performing arts. Me are exceptionally pleased to be able to make this support available at a time when the quality of life of our residents ND visitors has been so severely impacted by the poor economy. Mammal to the numerous organi zations that continued to provide essential arts and cultural programming despite the challenging times, commented Ronald Yamaha the executive director. Even though Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts has helped the arts community immensely, they are also being affected by the economy. Since July 2009, eleven important staff positions were cut from their faculty (HAUSA)_ Domed 8 We must take action in our childrens educational future, and find a solution for his crisis sore But despite the grim out look, the few who strive to keep the arts alive in our schools bring a silver lining to the horizon. Find ways to educate those in your community about this dilemma, and then go Out and take action. Write a letter to your state, or email a senator. Their purpose is to represent you and your community, so let them know that you see a problem With the lack Of arts in your childrens schools. And lastly the education starts first at home, show your children What culture and the arts are, and you might just plant a seed for the next great musician, artist, or actor.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christians and The Environmental Ethics Essay Example For Students

Christians and The Environmental Ethics Essay An environmentalist is a person worships the environment and cares for nature more than people. Christians and others share the common perception that environmental ethics exist for how human beings should relate to the land, the free market perceptive and the environmental perceptive. Humans share a relationship with all creations of the earth. But as humans, they find themselves as having a role in the created order which is they have a closer relationship with the creator who has charged them with acting responsible within his creation. Even allowing a common complaint of environmental activists is that Stewardship means that the earth was made exclusively because of human beings that having dominion upper nature is the same as having the power and directly of domination. Christians consequently share a close relationship by means of the whole of aspects of creation, since in relation to the environment, its unbroken humanity, not unbroken nature, thats seen to be the problem. Stewardship in simple terms means to manage someone else’s property. Christians proclaims that everything belong to God, so as Christians, we need to have the attitude that our belongings are his belongings. As stewards, we have the responsibility of being in charge of the earth. We have been placed in charge and are responsible for whatever happens to it, even though it does not belong to us, as we all know it belong to God. In Genesis 2:15, God took man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work and take care of it. Christian’s duties as being a responsible steward need to manage God’s belongings to the best of their ability. Only the Christian has the proper foundation for understanding peoples true responsibility to ca. . We accept the challenge to work at restoring God’s overall design. Moved by faith in God, we commit ourselves to promote the healing that rises at one as well as the other private and environmental levels from integrated lives dedicated to serve God and humanity. Works Cited Keepers of the garden: Christians and the environment by John T. Baldwin, Retrieved October 12, 2011 King James Bible, Retrieved, October, 13,2011 Retrieved October 11, 2011 www. Retrieved October 12, 2011 Retrieved October 11, 2011 www.environmentmagazine. org/Archives/Back%20Issues/Se. Retrieved October 14, 2011 Retrieved October 13, 2011 www.christiananswers. net/ Retrieved October 15, 2011