Saturday, May 16, 2020

Wilderness And Expedition Medicine The Wilderness Medicine

Wilderness and expedition medicine has been in practice for thousands and thousands of years dating all the way back to ancient Greece. However origins of modern day wilderness medicine date back to 1983 when the Wilderness Medicine Society was founded by three doctors; Dr. Greer, Dr. Kizer, and Dr. Auerbach 1 establishing the first organized group to pursue wilderness medicine with an intent to advance wilderness medicine as a whole, administration of wilderness health care, and the education those interested in pursuing this subspecialty. Data from the U.S. National parks services has indicated that the most common types of injuries to be seen and treated by wilderness medical professionals are soft tissue injuries resultant from†¦show more content†¦The limitation is that, while other research is very recent and still within the 5 year time frame, some research has not been done as recently due to lack of funding or the fact that most of the wilderness medicine societ y has accepted the conclusions of a previous study to be valid. The purpose of this paper will be to educate all outdoors enthusiasts that would seek every advantage in proper preparation for exploration of the wilderness around them by doing three things. First, this presentation will give a detailed list of how to best prepare for each environment a person might choose to explore, with a specific list of what medical supplies would typically be needed to ensure a safe trip. Second, it will present the common medical situations that can and have arisen in the most regularly explored environments. Thirdly, it will present a medical plan of action based on well-researched information that will show gold standards of treatment, a step-by-step treatment strategy, and evacuation strategy after stabilization of the patient. This project is written and composed in great detail for one specific population, wilderness and expedition medical providers or provider who choose to participate in said environments that wish to gain a need for basic wilderness medical knowledge. The specific target population for this presentation will be the PA students ofShow MoreRelatedWilderness Medical Journal, Journal Of Wilderness And Environmental Medicine774 Words   |  4 Pagesliterature review on Cochrane and PubMed databases and reputable journal article databases such as Wilderness Medical Journal, Journal of Emergency Medicine, Journal of American Medical Association, Journal of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. Key words used were as follows wilderness medicine, hypothermia treatment, hyperthermia treatment, HACE/HAPE treatment, Altitude sickness, chest trauma wilderness treatment, tension pneumothorax, pleural effusion, avalanche burial, frostbite management, respiratoryRead MoreNew Found Land By Allan Wolf 1221 Words   |  5 Pagesstriking poetic features and fictional characters to recreate Lewis and Clark s expedition across the continent. 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